Chapter |16|

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Your point of view:

I'm in the lunchroom with my head rested on my arms as I closed my eyes, Kevin and I are sitting at a lunch table with his friends and they're talking about the carnival that is tomorrow.

Every year our county has a carnival and each year the booths full of activities are different, my favorite booth by far would have to be the poetry contest and the winner was rewarded by meeting Richard Paul Evans. The writer of the Michael Vey series and you'd get to take pictures with him, get what ever you want signed and receive writing advice. I didn't win but I came close.

"You don't seem as excited as these doofuses are." A feminine voice that was delicate entered my hearing, I lifted my head to see a dirty blonde with green eyes, not as amazing as Lauren's but they're still pretty. "The carnival, I mean." The blonde gave me a warm smile.

"Oh," I cleared my throat. "I'm not going with anyone but Kevin, so I'm not as excited. People usually go with a date to these things." I explained sitting up and looking at the girl who sat across from me.

"It'll be fun, even if you aren't going on a date. So you are going?"

"Y/n is definitely going, she has no choice." Kevin chimed in causing me to hit his arm while I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "You're going."

"Well.. seems like I'm going." Turning my attention back to the blonde.

"Cool, I'm Alisha. There is going to be a kissing booth there, my friends and I are running it, maybe you can stop by." She said and I nodded my head watching her stand up from the table and walk away.

"Okay, how the hell haven't I seen her around before? Is she into girls?" I asked looking over at Kevin who is now laughing at me.

"That's the girl I wanted to introduce you to, she's really cool. I think she's bisexual, she had a girlfriend a while ago but it didn't work out and she's single." Kevin wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"And pretty." I laughed.

"I know, right?" Kevin fist bumped me before sliding over the breakfast sandwich he didn't eat. "Here, you can have this. I'm not hungry."

"Thank you, Kev." I said before taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Hey I'm going to head to class, I'll see you there when you come." With that I took the sandwich and made my way to English with the intent of avoiding anything that isn't professional from Lauren.


"Okay, so I took out some money from my bank account for the carnival. I told mom and dad that we would be out possibly until the carnival closes tonight." Kevin stated entering my room, he is dressed in black shorts that go a little bit over his knee, a white shirt, a black bomber jacket, and his shoes are white, Nike's.

"I already took out money from my account." I looked up from my phone as I laid in bed, giving him a warm smile.

"Well go you, you overachiever."

I threw one of my pillows at him which he caught laughing before laying down next to me on the bed. "When are you going to get your cast off? It seems like you have had it on for forever."

"I don't know, I have an appointment with my doctor soon. I'm going to need a ride though, would you be able to take me when I have to go?"

"Of course. By the way, tonight will be fun. You should go to the kissing booth with me later on tonight, but do not go up and kiss me when I do go."

"Your friend Alisha's. I know, I don't know how those work though."

"It's just like that movie you're currently obsessed with, what's it called again?" He scratched the facial hair he has on his chin.

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