- LGBTQ Things -

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"oH gOd,, tHis pErSoN iS a StrAighT ChRisTiAn!! yOU'RE HOMOPHOBI--"

First off, no. I don't understand how people part of the LGBTQ community hate it when they're stereotyped, however, most people that I have talked to (especially online) that are LGBTQ - assume every single straight Christian is homophic? I don't hate the LGBT especially since I have two friends that ARE part of it - that being minxmice and J-Nope-,, one is pansexual and the other is bisexual. Once again, I do not hate the LGBTQ.. it's just mainstream things that they say, that makes no sense and it is VERY vexing.

(1): "If God hates LGBTQ people, then why did he create them?"

At this point, whoever says this is retarded because this question has been answered repeatedly, time after time after time again! Here, let me clarify this for all of you who have this question:

God doesn't hate his children, he hates their actions and what they do. There is obviously a difference between an individual and the action that is being committed. If you don't see the difference, then you're just dumb.

God gave you a CHOICE to disobey the Bible and live however you please. Although, do you remember the statement your parents would always say to you: "Your actions have consequences"? Well, the same thing applies with God and what you do.. you can commit however many sins you wish(eating pork, swearing, getting tattoos,etc.), but in the afterlife, you will receive consequences.

What do you think Hell is for?


(2) "If a person does not support the LGBTQ, they are considered homophobic!"

This one actually kind of pisses me off on a large scale.

There are many people who do not support the LGBTQ Community, but they don't hate homosexuals, bisexuals or anyone of that nature - you just ASSUME that! AND YOU'RE ASSUMPTIONS ARE WRONG.

I personally don't support the LGBTQ Community, regardless, that does not stop me from supporting my friends who ARE part of it. There are straight people who watch FlawlessKevin and support him, no matter what he does. I wish people would understand that all because people don't support or take action in a certain community or movement, doesn't mean they have a strong hatred for it or the ones participating in it.


(3) "The fear of homosexuality ( homophobia ) does NOT exist! WHY would anyone fear a type of person?!"

Yes, yes you are so right. Why would anyone fear that, just as other people fear sunlight, water and grass?

Why would people fear that, when there are people who fear Asians, Germans and Caucasians? Tell me, why?

If you don't understand where I'm trying to get at here, let me explain more directly: It would be pointless and rather idiotic and nonsensical to believe that the fear of a type of person doesn't exist, when people are out there fearing the simplest of things, e.g. blushing, computers, even the fear of phobias as well as the fear of cheese.

You guys keep saying, "LOVE WINS", "LOVE OVERCOMES ALL", but, there are people out there who are afraid of love itself so, actually, it's very hypocritical to say such a thing.

Out of all the surprising and fucked up things this world, what people has and had done, you refuse to believe that homophobia exists? Huh, how logical.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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