Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was home alone again, the boys were recording again. It was so hard for me because there was only two days until they head back on tour and I still wasn't sure if I could go. If I go, I'll be doing nothing most of the time and I can't just follow them around for months and expect to come out with my sanity in tact. I mean, I loved them to death, but I'm not going to sit around doing nothing for several months. It's just not going to happen. I have to apply for University and try and get a job. I could always visit them, it's not like that could be a problem. I just needed to make sure I had somewhere to live, I couldn't stay around at Luke's house. I wouldn't put that kind of stress upon his mum's shoulders. I had to get a job, get to school, and get a place to live. It wouldn't be a big deal if I couldn't go to school yet because it'll take a bit for everything to fall in motion but I still had to do something. I had to tell Calum before I could decide to go through with it. He's my boyfriend and he deserves to know what my thoughts are. Although, I already knew that he would try and convince me to go with him. He would miss me or he would use me as a way to not be tempted to fuck girls. I was worried about that, if I said that I wasn't I'd be lying. I laid in Luke's bed for a good three hours until they finally got home. They were being extremely loud and Luke was laughing about something Calum said. "Where's Kaylin?" I heard Ashton say. Their voices were mumbled and I couldn't hear anymore. "I found her!" Luke called into the living room. The boys raced into the room. 

"Kaylin! What are you doing in bed? It's almost 3?" Calum asked, worried. "I need to talk to you guys," They all sat down around the bed waiting for me to continue. "I know that I said I would go on tour with you guys but I've been thinking about it all day and I don't think it would be in my best interest to go. I wouldn't be able to do anything while you guys are gone and I won't be making any money. Also, I was thinking about trying to get into University. I know it's a long shot since I'm so late into the semester and that jobs need qualifications and I might not reach any of them and whatever. But, I just think I should stay here and try. You guys really don't need me there, if anything, I'd be a distraction." Calum stood up and put his hands in his hair. "Are you kidding me? You're going to stay here? For months, knowing you won't see me for several months or even a year? That's so selfish, Kaylin. I know you want to get a job and earn money and an education but what about me? What about us?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I could visit you guys. It's not selfish for me to know what's best for myself! I think this is what I need to do, I don't want to have to mooch off of you guys for money. And, you guys are already uneducated enough as is. I'm trying to do something with my life, you guys know what you're gonna be doing for the rest of your lives. I don't, I'm here with no goals or passions or talents. I have no job, no house, or a University level education. There's nothing that I have to offer this world as of right now, all I'll do on tour is sleep. That's it because you guys will be too busy and you won't be with me the whole time. I have to make a life for myself, Cal. I can't sit in your turbos for the rest of my life, and I won't. As of right now, there's nothing that sets me apart from everyone else. I know that I'm only 18 and I don't have to do all of this now but maybe I don't want to be 25 in fucking Uni. I want to get it all done now, and the fact that you don't support my decision… It kinda hurts." Calum looked away from me. "Kaylin, we can hire you a private teacher and you can do your Uni work online. Also, you can manage us or something, and I don't care I'll pay you. Don't go on tour for us, go on tour for you. You'll have fun, and you deserve to have some fun, okay?" Luke spoke up. I shook my head and I was starting to feel really bad. "I don't know, I don't really want you to spend your money on me, Luke. I just said that. I don't know," I thought for awhile, the whole room was silent. "okay, I'll go on tour with you guys for the first month because you guys are going to America. And, if I enjoy myself, I'll stay another month and so on and so forth. How does that sound?" Luke smiled at me. Calum tackled me with a hug. "You'll have fun. Trust me." He whispered into my ear. "Get off of me, fatass." He laughed and got off of me. 

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