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Summer summer summertime, time to sit back and unwind.

~Fresh Prince & Jazzy Jeff


It had been almost a month since Elijah and I made it official. Things couldn't be going better; he was showing me what a real relationship was like and I was loving every minute of it. Life was good; Ava and I had finally took the plunge and got out of the dorms. Ava took on the rent, and I was responsible for the smaller bills, which I covered using the life insurance money I got from when my father died. Today Elijah, Mehgan, Ava, and I all decided to hang out at our new apartment, since it had been awhile.

"So, Ava, where are we going for our annual summer trip?"

"Annual summer trip?" Elijah asked sitting up.

"Oh you don't know? Every year, Ava and Gen disappear for like two weeks. I've always wanted to go, but Ava never let me because she didn't want Gen to be a third wheel." Mehgan added in.

"Well, it's not my fault she was single for THREE YEARS" Ava said giggling. I playfully shoved her.

"Aye, I was in no rush to find a man. Besides our trips were lit even with just the two of us, so don't go there."

"All I want to know is if I can come this year?" Mehgan asked

"Well, I'm not single this year so I guess it can be a group thing, if everyone is down." I said looking at Eli since he was the only one who hadn't really said anything.

"I'm down if you are, babe. It sounds pretty lit" he said wrapping his arm around me.

"Oh bet! Where we going?" Ava asked getting hype.

"Well we've already been to Puerto Rico, and Jamaica, so we can't go there" I said.

"What about Las Vegas?" Eli asked.

"Nah, this is your first trip with us and we don't need to be in any casinos"

"Or around any showgirls." Ava added nudging me, causing me and Elijah to laugh.

"Well what about Mexico?" Mehgan said.

"I've never been there." Elijah said.

"Me either." I added. "How about Cancun?"

"Sounds good to me." Mehgan said.

"Me too, when are we going?" Ava asked.

"How about tomorrow?" Elijah said.

"Tomorrow?! Do you know how expensive a round trip flight will be if we leave tomorrow?" I asked. Then it hit me, I knew better than to concern myself with money. I learned a long time ago not to ask any questions about money, especially around Ava's rich ass. Now I have Elijah too.

"Well, it WOULD be expensive if I didn't have a private jet on standby." he shrugged as if that was normal.

"Look at you, with yo super rich ass." Ava said causing all of us to laugh.

"I know y'all rich ass be ready to go, but I need time to pack; AND shop." I said

"Right. We need at least 3 days for that." Ava said agreeing with me.

"Fine. We leave Saturday." Elijah said.

"And Ava make sure you pack enough clothes for ONLY two weeks. You always overpack, then end up buying more clothes that don't fit, causing you to buy ANOTHER suitcase." I said

"What you not finna do, is me." Ava said

"That's Mehgan's job, ain't it?" Elijah asked.

We all laughed; it was nice to be able to chill with everyone and have a good time. This was the happiest I'd been since I was 16.

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