Call Time With Sienna

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I made my way back to where Ashton was, on the couch. He was wide awake and laughed to himself. "What's so funny?," I asked. He looked at me and said," we just slept even more, we are lazy people."

I went outside to take a breather from all this chaos. There was this sycamore tree just a few steps away from the house. I sat down and leaned against the tree.

Certain thoughts went through my head. For instance, Ashton's parents, my parents, this house and of course, Sienna. I wondered why his parents chose this house. Why couldn't it be another one? Why?

A wind blew threw me. I got a chill. I rubbed my arms trying to make me stable.

No matter how many thoughts I went over, I still couldn't get myself to focus on living a life with Ashton. I mean is this why Ashton brought me here with him? So we could settle down and live our lives together? I wanted to tell myself yes, but this house was making the situation difficult...

I sighed. I wanted to chat with Sienna, but maybe she didn't want to talk with me. Maybe she was too busy to even frickin talk with me.

But I was gonna try anyways.

I went back inside to where our bags were. I took out my cell and dialed her number. I hit call. It began to ring.


"Hey," I said trying to make myself sound confident.

"Diane?," she questioned.

"Mhm it's me."

I felt like there was a big void between us. I don't know why.

"What's up dude?."

"Nothing just here, you know."

"Ohh? And Ashton?," I could feel her smirking on the other end of the line.

"He's somewhere, I don't know," I lied.

"How's the new house? Is it big?."

"It's nice, pretty big yes..," that's not what I wanted to tell her.

"What's wrong? Tell me," she changed the subject.

"Well....," I sighed.

"Oh my god! You don't like the house?."

"What? Noo that's not it."

"Then? Diane tell me I can hear it in your voice, what is it?."

"Well I'm not sure if you'll believe me or not..."I bit my bottom lip.


"Just tell me and I'll tell you what I think. Wait is this gonna be about you and Ashton?."

"Nooo!!!!," I exclaimed.


"You see it's about the house and what's here," I explained while heading to the chair that was near by.

"What do you mean? What's there?," she cleared her throat.

And with that being said from her, I told her. I told her about what happened when I arrived and appeared at the window. I explained what happened when I couldn't find ashton which was only a dream.

That it was the exact same face I saw at the window.

"Holy shit!! Are you sure?."

"Yes I know what I saw," I debated.

"Then get the fuck out there!! Does Ashton know?."

"No, I haven't told him and I don't plan to. He might think it's an excuse."


"You don't even have his number," I scoffed.

"Yeah but I have him as a friend on Facebook duhhh," she said.

FUCK I thought.


I sighed of surrender," alright alright I'll tell him, just let me tell him when I feel is right."

"Good cuz what I read you in the article, who knows what will happen dude...," her voice cracked a bit.

"Don't worry I will tell him."

"Tell me what?," said a voice which was Ashton's.


"Hey I'll talk to you later, code red," I said under my breath.

"Oooo alrighty good luck," she said after hanging up.

I got up from the chair and threw my cell where I was siting. Ashton made his way towards me. Our bodies touching. His eyes scanning me. "What are you gonna tell me babe?," his eyebrows furrowed.

"I think you should sit down...," I pulled myself away.

I wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet anyhow....

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