Last Piece Of Information

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Hi guys how are? I know I said I would update but college. Blah. Its a stress and I'm only taking 4 classes. Ugh. Anyways I just wanted to point out the incredible views on this book! Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine such reads! Its pretty FRICKING amazing! I'm currently writing this on my iPod and its almost 2am. You'll have to excuse the format. Last thing is that at the end of this book, there will be a surpirse so if you wanna know please stay tuned! Byeeeeeee:) x


I knew exactly what he was telling me, but I wasn't sure what to say or how to react. The blue ribbon sat in between my fingers while I looked at Ashton.

"What are you trying to say?," I restated my thought. His hands went into the depths of his jean pockets, finding the right answer to reply with.

He slightly chuckled, "Well you see babe... I uhh was thinking if we could try once more..." Try once more. Try once more. The 3 words ran through my mind.

I knew what he was trying to tell me, I just wanted him to fully say the whole sentence I wanted to hear.

His right hand came out of his pocket and turned into a fist, putting it close to his mouth in order to let out a small, nervous cough.

"You know what I am saying." His eyes examined mine, speaking the words I wanted him to say.

I looked down at the blue ribbon and ran it between my fingers. 'You want to have a child, don't you?."

It was hard to say these words because of what had occurred in the past. I just wasn't sure if I was ready for this big leap.

"No, that is not it." Then what was it? I was confused.

"What do you mean? If you don't want to have a child, then what? I don't understand what you are trying to tell me..." I trailed off.

He sighed in frustration," Come." He gently grabbed my hand and sat me on the bed while he too sat next to me.

"Babe, you need to know this last piece of information that I have kinda kept from you. I didn't want to bring it up because I felt you weren't ready. And also your head was going wild on you," he stated.

My eyes wandered, trying to think of what piece of information was this. What was he keeping from me that I needed, I mean we needed to know so badly?

"Proceed," I said in a soft tone. He cleared his throat before going into explanation mode.

"Well remeber when you and know, had that? Had what 2 people have when they're in love? Love. When we made love?," his body turned fully so he was facing me more better.

I nodded, "Yeah I remember.. at the cabin , why?"

"Diane you see, you said that you didn't want to do it because we didn't have protection? And when you finally agreed and I used" he paused.

"What? Go on," I motioned. His hand went up to his curly hair and ran through it, tugging it softly as if getting frustrated or nervous.

"Well I didn't use one exactly..." the expression on his face turned to as if someone was about to get him in deep trouble which he was going to be in.

"YOU WHAT?!," I stood up aggressively and began pacing, well more like stomping back and forth. "HOW COULD YOU? You know exactly how I feel about this. Wait wait so if you are telling me we already tried, then that means I'm..."I looked down to my stomach.

"Mhm exactly babe. You're pregant," I felt his hands on my shoulders.

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Well at least not this way. Me finding out by my husband was not exactly the best way.

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