Twinkling Suns

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According to current scientific theories and experiments, all of us are literally made up of stardust – that is, the same chemicals that can be found inside stars in the sky.

Most of us, no, all of us don’t have any recollection of our possible past lives beyond our time, even more when we were still part of the galactic orchestra out there.

But two kids remember everything well.

“I even remember to have come from somewhere near the Big Dipper,” said the girl.

“And I was from one of the spots near the Orion,” added the boy.

Because of their unbelievable intelligence, they were taken in by NASA to further question them and did surveillance to their families. The children felt uncomfortable.

Until one day, out of an unknown explanation, they died in their sleep while inside the facility.

The children’s older siblings comforted their parents, telling them that it would be better this way, because had they continued giving out information, maybe scientists could use it not for the survival of mankind, but to preserve only a few people and establish power.

On that day, in the sky they saw the Northern Lights. It was also seen at NASA by the scientists. Some letters were spelled out:


The parents and siblings they’ve left behind fell into tears of joy as they watched the beautiful night scenario.

True enough, the NASA scientists measured the data they grabbed from it, and it matched the chemical composition of the children, and the composition of what they could remember as part of their former galactic lives.

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