Ch. 1 - Mystic Heart

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( not edited - old )

Very very old story by the way - I sincerely warn you guys


The high school sweethearts sat at the lake, a lot has changed in a year.

Or maybe three.

But who could count in their situations, which were quite the conversation themselves. They both had become hosts for people - actually a god and a goddess - whom had taken over part of themselves by the Angel or Devil they had to be forced into letting take over their bodies whenever they deemed necessary (let's just say that the angel was more polite) AND they had this happen only because some aliens from light years away whom were very old as a result of space travel (breath), had auras that could unlock people's hidden powers and spirit looks. Apparently this is dangerous and made them also be forced into runaways, plus the devil making Jacob (host form) gain a street pole up his ass and become "mortal enemies" with Chase and her odd jumble of alien friends.

Quite a high school year if I do say so myself.
Along the lines of the battles, Red versus White lined war, and intense fight scenes. This alien package really has taken a punch on these kids.

What is probably the greatest thing to come from this, is how Chase and Jacob were able to now have their dreams connect no matter how far away they were, letting them continue their secret love they kept from everyone in fear of hate, rejection, disapproval, dissatisfaction, disappointment, broken hearts, jealousy, broken friendships-

The list just goes on.

But back to why the two were like this,they had a large fight that was worse than all the ones they've ever had before, just from how the Angel and Devil responded and actually were able to form themselves at the cost of Jacob and Chase's body, occurred at a volcano site previously fought at and bearing the markings from. The two were sucked into an orb of void darkness from the Angel and Devil gaining such closeness in aura presences with each other. It started as a sphere around them and grew to contain an old worn house on a lakeside in a foreign forest ecosystem.

It turns out it (or they) messed up and transported them across the globe to another part of the Earth, trapped in a dark dome only accessible to be destroyed from the outside.

Quite a predicament huh?

But, they got their chance to have some peace to each other - and the annoying presence of the (forcibly) not hostile two gods - in the pretty area with all they needed for a month or two of each other's warmth and happiness. They felt like the music video for the song I'm Glad You Came at some points as well.

Wondering what they're doing at such a late night? Well you're in luck, I'm here to show you readers.


Chase laid half way slid down Jacob's open lap, uncaring of her legs being swept up in the calming waters and waves of the lake sitting down in front of them. Jacob held the girl in his arms, his chest pressed against her back and held there by an arm. His other peacefully threading through her incredibly long hair that stretched down to her waist.

His eyes for once in a very long time seemed calm and almost looked like they were going to return their old light blue glow from middle school.

Chase breathed out a deep sigh from the calming area around them, she slowly opened her eyes keeping her head from moving on the boy's warm chest.

He blinked as a droplet of water splashed onto his face near his eyes. "Do you know what this reminds me of?" He spoke softly as if he didn't want to wake someone up from their sleep. The brunette only responded with a curious hum "That old favorite song of yours from back in high school" he laughed at the memory "you had me learn how to play the guitar so you could listen to me sing it to you."

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