Chapter 2- The Court Room

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Sherlock is so full of himself!

He just shows off because his brain knows more than a computer.

"Mr Holmes we're fine without your help" The Judge said.

He carried on being a Douche.

I looked to my left and I saw Molly day dreaming when looking at him. What does she see in him? He's like a robot.

Moriarty then catches my eye as I see him flirting with a police woman. He whispers something in her ear and she hesitates but then slips her hand into his pocket. He opens his mouth with his tongue peaking out.

I've got that feeling in my stomach again but it's different this time. It's like anger and sadness combined together.

The feeling stops when she places some chewing gum on his tongue and walks off.

What was that?

"Maisy hurry up."

I had been daydreaming about him all of the court session.

"That bloody idiot! He had to go get clever didn't he?' John said when we met in the corridor.

I couldn't keep my giggle in and Molly gave me a stern look.

John laughed to himself "It's his fault, why am I always trying to look out for him when he doesn't ever listen?"

"Well I'm off." I said, not seeing the point in being polite.

Molly gave me another look.

"If looks could kill, I'd be dead" I said before walking out.


It had been a few days since the court, I hadn't been keeping track but I came out of our apartment one time when I heard an Irish accent.

"Molly Hooper" it said.

I turned around and said "sorry wrong person, can I take a message?"

Oh. My. God. It's Moriarty

Keep cool, he probably senses fear.

"Oh Molly, do you remember the good ol' days when we were dating?"

"Wait, you dated Molly?" I giggled.

He looked at me confused "Molly, stop messing with me I'm on a tight schedule."

"As I said" I gestured to myself. "Not Molly"

I turned around and attempted to walk away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear saying "No you're hotter."

I turned around to face him "We look exactly the same except one difference, how could it make me hotter?"

"In the best way possible."

That made no sense.

"Can you even spot it? If you can I'll give you a tenner," I teased.

"Why would I need a tenner when I can easily rob the Bank Of England."

"Yeah but you got caught."

"All part of the plan Kitten."

Did he just call me Kitten?

My cheeks heated and I tried to hide it by saying "Never been a big fan of cats."

He smiled a friendly smile.

I thought he wasn't supposed to be friendly.

"Just tell me the difference, it will make my day" I said filling the silence that had followed.

"You're eyes."

He laughed as I stood still in shock then he turned on his heel, giving me a smirk over his shoulder as he walked away leaving me paralysed.

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