Eletronics Abuse

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Okay so I proably shouldn't talk about this because I have this problem also. I am always on my phone, or ipod, or tablet, or computer, or tv, or something electronical. I know I do this to my friends too but it honestly annoys me when im out with friends or at a sleepover and everyones on their phones. Like we need to go back to old days right now. They had pillow fights, prank calls, the girly makeovers, all those things. Sure we're growing up and everything but you're never too old to have that kind of fun.

So I challenge you.

Take a break for an hour atleast. See im not saying a week or a month, just one hour. (This does not count if you're in school, just saying.)

Just take a break from it all, go out, have fun.

I know every teenager isn't addicted to their electronic device, but be honest, most of us are. I am for sure. Even 2:00 am I'll still be awake scrolling through all the pictures on ifunny.

That affects me because I wake up tired and its like I can still see the phones light even when its off.

Fun Fact: When theres light in the room, even the smallest amount, your brain tells your body its not time to sleep. (Not really official, my teacher told me this :)

So put down the electronics just for a lttle bit and go enjoy the fresh breeze. Go camping. Go have a normal face to face conversation.

Have a freaking pillow fight. Do the cinnamon challenge (I probably shouldn't be condoning that.) There's just so many ways to have fun off the internet.

Again I'm not judging anyone because I too love my electronics beyond the point I'm supposed to.

*Go download ifunny...seriously...you should.

Anyways comment a topic or any weird experiences that goes with the topic, that'd be awesome.

Stay great.

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