Chapter 3 : The Rest Ends

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Chapter 3.

Tobias Walton.

As the beeping filled the air again Mathias had finally slept peacefully.  Except this time there were no dreams to help ease him. No bear woman that nearly killed him, no land of snow or the feel of the icy cold that had came along with it.

Instead was the sound of pure nothing as his father Tobias stood watch over him. The man had rubbed the veins on his hands as he watched the clock. His daughter should have been there by now.

About to fall asleep himself he had lounged in a chair and made himself comfortable whilst kicking his shoes off.

he felt his eyelids turn heavy and had began to close his eyes but sadly it was all cut short due to a short girl with loud purple hair barging in shouting, ”Sorry I’m late!” Tobias had hushed her and pointed to a chair for her to sit.

The girl had gazed up on the patient in the bed and had sighed,”What happened to him?”

Tobias had sighed rubbing his forehead,”Animal attack. He’s lost a decent amount of blood and still wants to do his job.” The girl had smiled showing off a tongue ring. “Well…he is sergeant of the town. And this is no man’s land!” She said dramatically.

Black Gate may look small on the map as a county but it was decently large in the flesh. On the outside of the town was the forest area that had the creepy castle said to be built but buy the Spanish from many years ago. Then there was out skirts of the town that consisted of nothing but a small gas station a few bait and tackle shops and an outfitter shop for hunters and hikers. There are also a few neighborhoods in that area as well. Then there was the town with the hospital and so on. But No Man’s Land can be the dangerous place to be in if you’re stupid and careless.

Of course this was bizarre out of the entire things that have happened. There hasn’t been any bear attack in years and Mathias was in his home in the middle of town. And of course there was no sign of any creature in the house.

What could’ve attacked his son? What could’ve caused him so much pain inside? And like a lightning bolt it had hit Tobias. His face had lit up in shock and terror as he stood up looking at his son.

“Dad what’s wrong?” the girl asked him. “Madeline…Go outside.” He had begun to wash his hands with cold water and had placed on surgical gloves. “Now please go outside and keep watch I don’t want anyone barging in on me.”

With out question she did as she was told and had hopped out leaving the two of them alone.

As he stared out the window he couldn’t help but think of what was coming. He had never seen the sky this gray before in the area. But he had seen it turn gray somewhere else.  And he knew what it meant. And most importantly what was coming to this world of his.  

Peeling back Mathias’ garment he had saw the red stained bandage had gently peeled it back a bit as to not cause any pain.

The five marks where over an inch apart and of course brutal but there were no broken ribs. Even stranger was the fact that Mathias wasn’t dead. A creature with claw marks this wide apart had to be of massive size.

It should’ve ripped his son in half if anything. But no here he was fully alive and recovering fast.

Though the question still remained what attacked him?


Vyna had finally awoken from her deep slumber only to feel the wires and tubing gone and a bandage around her arm.  As she took a better look at herself she felt a stinging sensation in her feet which where wrapped in a strange white clothe.

She didn’t want those strange men putting her to sleep again so she tried not to react so harshly.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” She called out like a stranded maiden. Her voice was raspy and her skin a bit pale which brought her dark hair.

She called out again, “Help…please, help me.” Soon a man in a blue shirt and blue pants had came in. “You okay?” he asked her. “Please….my throat.” She said sounding raspy. “Drink?” he said grabbing a carton of juice. “Oh bless you sir.”

She said sighing as he placed the straw in her mouth. “Just suck alright?” Doing as she told she sucked on the strange thing and had felt the cold sweet liquid splash around in her mouth.

“Thank you sir…Please can you tell me where I am?” She said letting alligator feels down her cheek.

“You’re in the hospital. We found you in the woods barely breathing. The same with your friend and her baby boy, he’s lucky to survive something like that.” She began to shed more fake tears to the man’s word as she croaked,”Asha…where’s Asha?” “She’s safe and being taken care of with her baby as we speak. You need to rest a bit more. In a few minutes we’re gonna have someone from the Sheriff’s Department to come and ask you a few questions. You looked pretty bad out there. Even your feet where blistered pretty badly.” He pointed to her bandage and had sighed,” Look your safe now. That’s all that matters and just be truthful to the sergeant. He’s a very nice man who won’t do you any harm.”

Then as if on cue the lights had went out as the clouds gray had intensified. The lightning had flashed a loud blue as the thunder rolled in with what sounded like a barrage of whips cracking.

But the most threatening sound that brought everyone to fear was the sounds of the ghostly gasping and the wailing with the most potent shriek that sounded of a chalk board being roughly scratched by a mad man.

Something did indeed follow them through the other side….and it was hungry.

And as the lights went pitch black it crept its way inside of Black Gate Community Hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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