Part five

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Part five

It's burned into my memory, what she did. I wish I could've stopped her. That's another reason I hate myself, I couldn't save my own best friend. I remember it so hauntingly clear, like it's right in front of me again. Like it just happened. I have nightmares about it, the scene replaying over and over and over again. She'd want me to be happy because she's no longer in pain, no longer suffering. She called me about five minutes before it started. She was crying, as soon as I saw her blotchy, tear stained face I knew something was wrong. I started to cry, I'd never seen her so broken-looking, ever. Even the day she left, the last time I'd seen her in person, when we were both bawling and broken she didn't look this bad. This was worse. So much worse. I could barely speak, I didn't want to, I didn't want to know what caused my best friend to break beyond repair. I wanted it stop, I wanted to make it just go away. Finally I choked out something.

"What happened, Ariel?" When I spoke my voice was barely a whisper, but I know she heard me.

"He...h-he got shot, Blaze."

What? okay I'm confused.

"Who got shot Ariel?"

She didn't respond she just looked at me with her sad brown eyes that are a few shades lighter than mine.

"Ariel. Who got shot?"I asked again.


She started sobbing again. I wish I could just hug her and tell her that everything will be fine, but I know that's a lie. I won't lie to her. My heart dropped when she said his name. Nate was her boyfriend, she met him when she first moved to Arizona four years ago. He was her only friend up there. They got together not too long after they met. He's perfect for her. They're perfect for eachother. No. Perfect is an understand. Their love is more than perfection. He did everything for her. He loved her for who she was, not who he wanted her to be. They were going to get married in a few months, when she turned nineteen. He's two years older than her but you could hardly tell. I've talked to him a bit, on kik and facetime. He was so amazing for her, they were just alike, the three of us had so much in common it was insane. He was everything she deserved and more. I can't believe someone would shoot him. He's nice to everyone.

What the hell happened?! Is he dead?! Holy shit!

"Ariel, what happened? Who did it?" I said slowly.

"He.. he was in my room.. no one was home. We- we were, well... you know. Dad came home early. I..I guess he heard us. He opened the door and he had one of his shot guns.. Nate tried to jump out the window but he- he couldn't... it was stuck." She paused for a long time, but I didn't press her to go on. I knew she would when she was ready.

"Dad shot him three times. The first shot hit him in the arm. At that point Nate stopped trying to get out. I was crying and yelling at dad and trying to get over the shock of it all then.. then he shot again. This time it hit him in the chest. I screamed and tried to get to Nate before dad could shoot again. I... I was too slow. The third shot hit him in the stomach. He was bleeding so much, Blaze. He was bleeding too much. I- I didn't care though. I got to his side. I was crying hysterically. I hugged him being careful of his wounds and told him I would love him forever he- he said he loved me too. He told me to tell you and his mother and everyone else that he loves them too. All I could say was okay. I kissed his cheek and told him to hold on, not- not to leave me. He said okay and then he coughed. He coughed up blood. Blaze there was so much blood" saying all that made her tears flow faster and her voice turn hoarse.

After her saying all that about the blood I noticed it all over her. It was everywhere.

"Ariel, how long ago did this happen?" I asked hesitantly.

"About.." she looked down at her watch. "About half an hour ago.... He died in my arms before the ambulance got here. Blaze it was terrible. I miss him so much already" she said looking at the beautiful engagement ring Nathan had gotten her.

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