Chapter Eight

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Sebastian was the perfect image of relaxation. His feet rested up on Micah’s file strewn work desk, his curly mane perched on his arms that are folded behind his head.  Leaned back in the rolling chair he brought in from his lighted art table,  he was leisurely counting the ceiling tiles in Micah’s office from left to right. 

He was absolutely bored out of his noggin,  and kept having to recount the tiles every time Micah nudged him not too gently with his elbow.  Which, so far had been a good three times. 

For the life of him, he didn’t understand why he had to be a part of these things. Micah was the businessman,  he had more than a firm grip on what kind of employee the Whodini needed. 

Yes,  they were interviewing a potential part-time employee for the shop.  She was a young, blonde, college student who was way too perky and happy for Sebastian to handle. He was only able to listen to her high-pitched voice for a solid three minutes before he zoned out.  It was an fight or flight instinct, so he let his mind wander.

Micah’s already high energy was doubled by the candidates equal exuberance. Sebastian had either already forgotten her name or he just wasn’t listening in the first place.  It was times like these where anyone could see that his friend was a pleasant human being,  whereas Bastian was just a moody bastard most of the time. 
Since Saturday night,  however,  his mood has improved exponentially. Better and better with every passing night even. This wasn’t some sort of divine intervention. His overall improved attitude probably had something to do with the fact that Bastian has been to Ominous every single night since then. 

Once he had gotten a taste of the complete control he felt there again,  satiating his hunger for a certain brunette firecracker with the flavor of the night had seemed an uncontrollable urge.  

Though,  up until this point, it hadn’t worked.  It had been five days,  five nights of elicit activities drowning out his seemingly blind infatuation with Fancy, and he still thought about her every day.  He figured she was living life as usual,  blissfully unaware of the moment in time they had shared. 

Sebastian couldn’t help but wonder (shamefully, every time the thought popped in his head)  if he hadn’t have erased her memory,  would she have been effected by him the way he was with her?

“Probably not,  she’s not as pathetic as you.”

He ignored his insulting thoughts,  like he had been since finding himself back at Ominous. It seemed like he was still seething at himself, and for right now when he was in the best mood he had been in for the better part of a year,  he wasn’t going to let anything drag him back down.  Including himself. For now. 

At this point,  he was almost desperate to get her off his mind.  To the point where he wished he could hypnotize himself, forget the whole thing ever happened.  After all,  ignorance is bliss. 

As Micah’s and Blondie’s voices droned on in the background,  he got lost remembering what happened Saturday night.

                         •       •       •

The bouncer had used an old fashioned skeleton key to open the large,  dedicated molded door behind him.  He ushered him through with a face void of emotion,  leading him through a hallway shrouded in the same darkness as before. 

The only difference was the lofi R&B music get louder with each guided step,  and the murder of voices now mixing in with it. 

After rounding a turn, Sebastian saw a soft white glow up ahead and memories hit him with the force of a semi-truck. He felt his dominant urges pulsing under his skin,  making every pore tingle with nervous excitement.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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