Chapter Three

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This chapter is dedicated to: SonicLoveless who found this perfect picture of Sebastian for me 🖤

   Fancy and Nickie stared at Louisa Ayala as they pouted like deprived toddlers, both wanting to wipe the happy little smirk off her face. They were all stuffed in the back seat of a cab on its way across town to the Greenhouse Club. Louisa still hadn’t let it slip what she had planned for the night,  but instead kept giving them teasing little hints. 

   Neither of the girls were not having it, both of them having negative amounts of patience. The overjoyed Hispanic woman had to bite her lip to cage get inner cackling but it wasn’t fooling anyone. 

   When they made it to the Bar, Nickie instantly let out an excited yelp all but flung herself out of the cab,  ready to drink the night away.  Selene couldn’t help but stare at the Christmas lights the bar had strung up outside.  It made the sidewalk look like a serene fairy wonderland, and the few people outside sitting at little café tables had glowing halos.

   Her eyes traveled up to the Marké, gasping as she turned to look at Louisa’s massive grin with wide eyes.  Nickie was already waiting for them on the side walk,  swaying side to side as she practically salivated thinking of what she would order. 

   "A hypnotist?  Are they both freaking bonkers?! I don’t want anyone toying with my brain." Fancy was about two steps from a small panic attack when a touch to her shoulder grounded her,  and she met Louisa’s comforting eyes. 

   “Fancy,” Louisa’s accent making her sound as expensive as the nickname, “it’s just a show! We are going to have fun, Osita, no need  to worry,” She said with a reassuring, motherly smile. 

   Selene sighed loudly,  imagining that she was leaving all her worry and doubt behind and she felt a little better.  Giving her friend a smile back, she scooted out the car behind her.

   They were pulled inside by Nickie, she pointed out a table near the front that was still open, shoving both the girls in that direction as she skipped off for the dimly lit bar,  sprinkled with fairy lights. 

   “Oh dios mio, that girl needs help,” Louisa quipped,  making Selene giggle. 

   Making their way through the already semi-intoxicated modest crowd,  the girls plopped down, Fancy throwing her giant purse in Nickie’s seat in case anyone got any bright ideas. 

   Louisa took one look at her phone and started texting at a furious pace.  She had been doing that all day, Selene couldn’t help but notice. Having an eye for detail,  almost to a fault,  had gotten Fancy in some rough places with Louisa before. Louisa couldn’t stand prying,  and Selene needed to know everything, all the time. So,  she promptly decided she wasn’t going to question a thing. 

   Selene stared at the dark stage, having to look away from her pre-occupied friend and literally bite her tongue so she wouldn’t blurt out her question. A couple of people wearing all black placed a barstool with a black box on top next to the microphone, and she couldn’t help but feel the tingling of excitement in her tummy. 

   "I wonder what’s in the box!" She pondered,  tilting her head curiously.
She’d seen several magic acts and street performances. They had all absolutely mystified her. The child-like since of wonder buried inside of her was already starting to rise to the surface tonight. For once,  she decided not to shove it back as far down as it would go. 

   “Oh,  no! Fancy quick,  your fun is showing!” Nickie picked loudly so she could be heard over the hum of conversations all around them.  The smile Selene didn’t know was there fell into a scowl, as she forced her gaze to her friend holding drinks in skull glasses the exact color of her hair. 

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