Chapter Four: The little party

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Jasmine's P.O.V

Since Callie told Jude and me about her having another sister I have been avoiding her mainly because I am scared that she is going to have more of a connection to her other sister than she does with me, I am just a little worried that I am going to lose my sister to another sister. Jasper has been there for me throughout this, I am so glad that he has been there for me he is such a great boyfriend and now I get to see him more now, due to Brandon helping out Someone's Little Sister.

Today is the day that Mom's go on their babymoon it's this thing where they have one last holiday before they have the baby, which means they've someone coming to watch us while they're away for the weekend which I think is pretty pointless due to us being all old enough to look after ourselves we don't think that we need a baby sister. Today is Jasper's and I 5 months anniversary, these past couples of months have gone by fast, I am glad that Cole had introduced us and sort of made Jasper and I happen which is good for me because of everything that has happened with Jesus and me, but now Jesus is happy with Emma and I am happy with Jasper.

I get out of my bed after having a great sleep I walk to my closet to grab the clothes that I am going to wear for the day and I know that someone is in the bathroom and it will most likely be Mariana which she takes her time in the bathroom I quickly do my hair so I don't have to do it later it take Mariana 15 more minutes to get out of the bathroom before anyone else can get in there and take their time I am going to get there first. I quickly get changed and into my clothes and walk back into my room to grab my bag and school stuff, I get out of my room to go downstairs to get something to eat before we all go to school. I get down the stairs and walk into the kitchen I take a seat next to Mariana, so we can talk more about Matt the person that Jasper and I are trying to set her up with but we have no clue if it is going to happen but if it does I think that they'll be the perfect couple, but I thinks she might be scared to have something with Matt due to what happened with Zach.

I grab some cereal to eat, I pure it into my bowl then add some milk into it and begin to eat it, it doesn't take that long for me to finish my breakfast, we all get up to leave to go to school. While walking to school we are all in little groups Mariana and I are talking about Matt and how good he would be for her Mariana not saying anything about it. Jude is with Callie I'm guessing talking about when she is going to meet Sophia, Brandon is walking with Jesus I am guessing talking about random things. Once we get to school we all go our separate ways to go to class, since I have art and I am all by myself which makes me a little sad due to Cole isn't in the same class as me anymore, he and Lily are trying long distance and I'm guessing it is hard for the both of them.

I walk into the classroom, I take a seat at the table and I take out my sketchbook and wait for the teacher to come in tell us what to do, Mr. Watson walks into the classroom.

"So today guys we are going to start to work on still life drawings, you can add whatever you want to put in it, this will be due is a couple of weeks," says Mr. Watson

Once Mr. Watson is done talking I know that I am going to do a skull with a little twist, I open my book and begin to draw I start to do the outlines of the drawing, I know that this is going to take me a while to finish this. Before I know it the bell goes, I feel like every time I draw time just fly's. I walk out of the classroom straight to my locker to grab some books that I need for maths when I turn the corner I see Jesus and Emma talking I know if I walked past I will hear what they're saying but if I stand here then it makes it look like I'm eavesdropping on their conversation which would be even worse so I am going to walk the long way around to my next class.

When I finally get to class I am a little late but not that late that I got into trouble for being late by the teacher, I take a seat Timothy starts to talk about what we are going to be learning I slowly take in what he is saying. Once Timothy finishes telling us what we had to do we, we all start to do our work that's when I get a text message from Jasper saying that he can't wait to see me tonight at the party, I had no idea about this party but I guess that we're having a party tonight and Someone's Little Sister is going to be playing and I am excited to see him.

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