Sleepless nights

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In the morning she wakes up and goes to cuddle closer to Eric when she realised that Eric wasn't next to her Gracie was

She sat up looking next to her

And Eric was lying adorable with Gracie In his arms her cuddled into him

Tami felt something a little bit of jealousy she needed him to stop her worrying and he couldn't but that's Gracie she needed Eric but she still had that little feeling seeing gracie cuddled into him and not herself

She turned round and climbed out of bed she walked out tying her hair up messily and walked into the kitchen

Getting a cup out of the cupboard and putting on the coffee

Tyra walked in yawning

" morning " she says

" morning god I hate mornings " tami says

" me too can I get some orange juice "

" yeah help yourself " she says

" how was Gracie last night "

" oh she was fine basically took Eric but it's fine "

" were you jealous mrs T"

" no I wasn't no no I was not oh okay maybe a little tiny bit but I shouldn't have been " she said

Tami turned round to face Tyra

Tyra smirked

" looked like you had some attention before that you got a little something on your neck actually 2 little something's " Tyra says

Tami gasped and went walking to the mirror

That's when she saw the two hickeys on her neck

" oh god " she says going bright red in the face

She ran into the kitchen to Tyra

" it is not what you think we didn't do that last night "

" from two nights ago "

" no we'll it did happen last night but not what you think happened we were just kissing "

" you mean a make out session "

" no I mean yes okay but shh you don't know I need to go back to bed before " and she was stopped as arms wrapped around her waist from behind

" that happens " she says finishing her sentence

He smiles

" before what happens "

" before you come through " she says

" morning Tyra "

"Morning coach " she says

" come on let's go back to bed " tami says moving his arms of her waist and turning facing him she holds on to his hand and she turns and walks out of the kitchen dragging him to the bedroom

" I need to sleep and if I drink coffee I will not be sleeping " tami says

" okay "

" ohh and you by the way leaving me two hickeys on my neck this morning that Tyra pointed out " she says playfully smacking him on the back of the head

" oi you weren't objecting last night "

" I think for the first time I actually was "

" only because Tyra was here "

" I know but even when Tyra leaves today you ain't getting nothing my legs are shut "

" was that because you were jealous last night that you didn't get any cuddles and you needed me last night more than before because you didn't sleep because you were worrying about Julie and I want you to know that I didn't sleep either "

" no oh okay you know me too damn we'll i couldn't sleep because I was worrying "

" c'mere " he says pulling her into a hug , he wraps his arms around her tight and she leans her face against his shoulder her arms wrapped around him

" i love you " he says and kisses her head

" I love you too " she says against his shoulder

" I love you mummy and daddy " they hear and they turn round and Gracie and Kai were on the bed awake

She smiled against his shoulder

Then she pulled away from the hug and turned round to face them

He wrapped his arms around her waist and she leant back against his chest

" and we love you too " they both says at the same time

" come on let's go " tami says walking over to the bed and Kai jumps into her arms she puts him on her hip as Eric attempts to put Gracie on his back but his shoulders were killing him from lifting Matt and tami

So she settled for holding hands

They all walked through to the living room

Tyra was sitting drinking orange juice

" hey you guys had a rough day yesterday why don't you two go sleep a little longer I can watch them " Tyra says

Tami smiles a warm fuzzy smile that just makes Eric's heart melt

" you sure cause if you need to go " and Tyra stopped her

" it's fine just go sleep stop thinking just sleep " she says

" okay come on then Eric " she says

"I would lift you but my shoulders are killing me from carrying you and Matt " he says

" I can settle to holding your hand " she says smiling she entwines their hands together and they walk back to bed

They both climb in and he pulls her close

" everything is gonna be okay I promise you Julie is fine we are fine it's all okay "

She sits up looking him in the eye

" what if it's not , what if they missed something wrong with Julie what happens then , will Matt remember what happens then , the school is burnt what happens with our jobs , what happens if your not here when I need you "

" first of all i will always always be here when you need me and I don't know about our jobs or is Matt is going to remember but I know that Julie is going to be fine so let's stop worrying and we will just go to sleep and I will be right here "

" okay okay and then After we get ready and go see them all at the hospital "

" definitely " he says and she lies back

down he pulls her close and wraps his arms around her

" I love you " she hears him saying but she was too deep into her dreamless sleep

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