It all comes flying towards me and knocks me off guard

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" oh my god my baby " tami says and for the first time since the fire actually letting out a proper good cry she cuddled into Eric as he wrapped his arms around her tight she sobbed into his chest and he had a few stray tears running down his cheeks as he continued to look at his dead like daughter lying there

Tim had moved his chair right next to her bed and was holding her hand

"Tami I know this hurts like hell it feels like my heart is being torn out but we have to be strong tami we have to be strong for her so your gonna wipe your eyes and try your hardest to put on that gorgeous smile and we are gonna get through this " he says she nods her head and pulls away to look up into his eyes

Her eyes were full of tears and they were rolling down her face he bring his thumb up to her face and he wiped away the tears

She smiles at him

" being strong " she says

" being strong " he repeats and she turns around sits at the side of the bed and holds Julie hand

After about an hour of just sitting there

They stand up and go looking for Luke and Matt

They were directed to matts room he was sitting up in his hospital bed

"Hey Matt how you doing " coach says

" I'm a bit sore but I will be fine "

" do you remember anything "

" emm I was in the classroom and the fire had spread and I was trying to get out if the window I was trying to smash it when someone called my name and then it went black and I don't know about this part but it felt like someone carried me out I just can't remember who " he says

" oh okay we'll looks like you had a real struggle Matt I'm gonna phone your mum and have her come pick you up and I'm gonna go find other people okay " Eric says and he walks out

Tami soon follows him and runs up to catch up with him

" why didn't you tell him it was you "

" he doesn't need to know it's fine let's just find luke "

They walked into Luke's room and he was lying down still awake he had a burn all the way up the back of his arm

" hey Luke how are you pain wise 1-10"

" maybe an 8 "

" do you remember what happened "

" I was just walking and then the fire was there it was right in front of me and I thought I saw someone so I went to go help and the fumes were just to strong for me and I passes out next to it and then Vince carried me past you guys and out the fire exit "

" yeah have you phoned your mum and dad "

" yeah I phoned a while ago "

" right we'll I gotta go see Julie again but you call me if you need anything " coach says

Then him and tami walk out

" I don't know what to say to them usually I have speeches but what speech can I say to a bunch of people who nearly died in a fire what do I say this shouldn't of happened to them they don't deserve it " he says tami rubs the bottom of his back

" I know babe I know but you just speak from the heart like normal and you can do it okay but right now you just need to phone matts mum and go see our daughter and phone and check on Tyra and the kids and we can't do anymore "

" I know okay " he says and after he phoned matts mum they walked to Julie room

When they walked in they were surprised

Julie was sitting up and had Tim curled in beside her in the bed she was stroking his hair telling him " I'm here it okay "

Tami and Eric both turned there head to look at each other both with shocked faces

" Jules oh god your fine your okay your sitting up " tami says and she had some tears rolling down her face she was smiling

Tami walked over to Julie side of the bed and held her hand

" god you scared the living crape out of me " tami says

Tim climbs out of the hospital bed and sits on the other chair

" what dad not glad to see I'm okay "

" I'm damn glad oh god you worried me always had to be the Center of attention ehh Jules " he says laughing

" of course what other way is there to live " she says smiling

Tami stands up and hugs her and so does Eric

" right tami we made a deal we phone and then you go home I will stay "

" it's fine both of you go home get sleep and you see me tomorrow you two have had a rough day just go sleep and come back tomorrow I will be here obviously I'm stuck in here for like 4 days " Julie says smiling at them

" are you sure "

" yeah I'm sure you need sleep in a bed not in a hospital chair " she says

" okay " he says turning to tami "okay" he says again

Tami walks over and hugs Julie tight

" thank you " she whispered in Julie ear

Julie smiled she knew her mum couldn't sleep without her dad there

" I love you Jules " tami says as she let's go

" I love you too mum "

Then Eric walked over and hugged her tight

" god I was scared I had to be strong for your mum " he whispered in her ear as he hugged her

"I know " she says

"Love you Jules "

"Love you too " she said and they walked out

When they got out the room she held his hand and he let go moving his hand to pull her into him

He hugged her tight

" I love you " he says

She smiles " I love you too "

He kisses her cheek

" c'mon let's go home " he says and they pull apart and walk away holding hands

Julie was lying in bed smiling at them as she watched them walking away hands joined

" we don't have a car to drive home " he says as they get to the car park

" we will just walk c'mon " she says and she leads the way

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