Chapter 19

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"Alright. I have an idea. I can go follow the direction that the boat went and pull your boat behind me." Allura said.
"Why not just use the motor?" Shiro asked.
"Because I can swim faster than this boat can go." She said.
"How can you- oh right." Allura began to tie a rope around her waist.
"Allura, are you sure about this?" Lance asked. "Won't it be exhausting?"
"For Katie, I won't sleep until I know that she's safe. No matter how tired I get." She said. One the knot was tied, she climbed over the edge and sat. "Please don't freak out at this." She put her legs out and held then in her hands.
"This to my legs, I can not keep
I need to swim into the deep.
I'll swim away, far from the shore
I take my tail, with legs no more."
Her legs then began to glow and they formed back into a tail, making her clothing disappear. She turned back to the boys to see their eyes the size of the moon. (hehe)
"Oh please." She said hopping into the water. She tied the rope to the boat and began to swim in the direction of the yacht. The whiplash knocked Lance and Shiro off their feet.
"Did that just happen?" Shiro asked, still on the ground.
"I think so." Lance replied.

Katie paced around the room.
"Katie, don't worry." Keith said, attempting to reassure her.
"Don't worry? You got beat up and I'm being sent off to be a lab rat, and I don't know where Allura is! I'm going to worry!" She said.
"Well can you communicate with her from here?"
"No. Just because we control water doesn't mean we echoloca- hang on. Control water. I can control water!"
"Yeah. Okay."
"We're on a boat! In the middle of the ocean. Put two and two together and..."
"I think I have a plan."

"Hey Shiro. Are you okay?" Lance asked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He replied.
"Well I mean I figured you'd be worried about Keith."
"Well of course I am but, he always worries me. We always gets himself into situations that make me worry so it's kind of, numbed. I feel so bad for Allura though." He said.
"Yeah. I mean, this is tearing her apart. They must be really close. I know if something happened to my sister, I would be the first it line to help her."
"Yeah. I mean why do you think I'm here. Keith's my brother. And I need him more than her needs me. I hope he's okay."

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