Or Obey Him...

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Your P.O.V

Aaron and I were in class and looked over at my shoulder and saw that Jenny girl looking at us.  I growled and looked away.  The professor was ranting about this kid that never listened, but passed every test.  I wasn't paying attention, because computer science isn't my thing (Sorry if it is).  Then...the magical bell rang, telling us to get out.  I packed up and Jenny walked up to...me?

"H-hey (Y/n)!" She blushed

"..." I stared at her

"I-I was wondering...i-if you w-wanted to..uh...um...go get coffee with...m-me...?"

"...Your..."  Aaron cut me off by grabbing my hand and walked away with me

Her eyes sparkled, even though I didn't even say anything. 

How odd...

I walked back to my dorm with Aaron and we, of course, got weird stares when we walked up to the same floor together.  When we entered the room, I walked to my computer and logged on to my game.  Aph was on....I smiled and clicked on her name

Hey Shu! It's been a while!

I know right?! Where have you been??

Around, just busy with school :/

We should meet up soon!

That would be nice

Wanna go to the movies with my friends?

Uh sure, I have nothing better to do

Alright, go to the movie theater at 8:00 tomorrow!

Alright, wanna go quests?


Aph and me went on quests together and collected A LOT of material from the monsters we killed.  After hours of grinding for XP, mob droppings, and what not, we said bye and logged off.  I sighed and sat back in my chair.

"That's not a good idea"


"Going to the movies with her"


"(Y/n)...you know how father would react if he knew that you were with her"

"I-I...I know..."

"So...are yoy gonna go or not?"

"I really want to Aaron!"

"...ugh...I'll help you sneak out..." He groaned



I ran up to him and hugged the living daylights out of him, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!" I chanted

He hugged me back and chuckled, "You're welcome, but you own me!"


"Alright, let's do our homework, and we'll talk about this later"


Hours later~


"Alright that's enough" Aaron said cutting me off

"...I hate homework..."

"I couldn't tell"

"Har har har..." I yawned, "I'm going to bed...night...." I walked over to our bed and immediately fell asleep

Aaron's P.O.V

Heh...guess she's tired...

I looked at my baby sister, and blushed. 

No no no no no no no! That's your sister! Stop!

But...dirty thoughts swarmed in my head.  Maybe it's just hormones getting out of control.  Yeah...it's just my hormones.  Nothing more.  She's my baby sister...sister...

I walked over to our bed and layed down next to her.  I smiled, and hugged her, she's my baby sister, and I'll protect her with my life...if it ever came to that...I kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

The Next Day~

Your P.O.V

I woke up and got dressed, and looked at the clock.  Aaron and I have no classes today so...we're trapped in the room until we do.  I looked around our room, looking for something to do. 

I guess coffee would be nice

I walked out of the room and walked down to the coffee shop.  I noticed that Aph was there, I wanted to approach her, but something held me back.  I ordered  (Favorite Coffee) and (Favorite sweet). 

"Hey (Y/n)!" I heard...Jenny?

"Huh?" I turned around

"Glad you made it!"


"Wanna hang out with me?"


"Great! Come on!" She dragged me to...Aph's table...I blushed furiously.  Thank Irene for the bandana...

"Hey Aphmau!" Jenny called

"Hm? Oh! Hey Jenny! Who's that?" Aph asked, I won't deny that it hurt a little bit...

I know one things for sure..I have two options

1) Risk everything to be with the person I love with all my heart.. or...

2) Obey my father and have a 100% chance of a successful life, but never see the one I love ever again.

Aphmau x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now