Chapter 16

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I ran after Marley. I knew it was most likely she wasn’t going to want to talk to me or let me explain what happened, but I had to get her to understand. He will probably hate me, but in the end by the time I explain everything to her she has to like me again.


“Marley, stop,” I called out to her.

Marley didn’t stop. I grabbed her arm and made her face me. She tried to push me off her, but I wouldn’t let her go. Not until she hears me out.

“Get away from me,” she replied.

“No, not until you hear me out.”

“Hear you out? Why should I? You have been lying to me since I met you.”

“I didn’t lie.”

“Oh really? You are posing as a teacher.”

“It’s called being undercover. I’m an agent going undercover as a teacher to look out for you and make sure you are alright and that no one will come after you.”

“What about your feelings for me? Are they real or did you fake them?”

“They are real.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell me that you weren’t married to Chloe?”

“Because it would mean I would blow my cover.”

Marley struggled to free herself from my grip. “Let go of me, Noah.”

“No, I can’t let you go. I know that once I let go you will run off and hide from me.”

“So what if I do?”

“So what could lead to something happening to you.”

Marley shoved me hard in the chest with her other hand. I let go. We eyed each other.

“Don’t you dare follow me,” she replied.

“Marley, no.”

“Don’t follow me, Noah.”

Without saying anything else, she turned and walked down the corridor. I should have chased her, but I didn’t. I was sure she will forgive me later and forget what happened between us. I slowly headed back to Chloe who was standing at the door.

“You know, once Chief Parker finds out that our cover has been blown, he is going to fire us both,” Chloe said.

I shook my head. “No, he isn’t Chloe. He isn’t going to find out about it.”

“You don’t know that. And if we do get fired, it will be your fault.”

I stared at her, puzzle. “How is that my fault? You’re the one who mentioned us about being agents.”

“Who cares who mentioned it, okay? The point is that we are screwed because now Marley knows who we really are. And it’s your fault, because if you didn’t sleep with her then we wouldn’t be having this conservation.”

“So it’s my fault? Well, I’m sorry if I caught feelings for Marley. But you don’t need to blame me for it.”

“Whatever. Just get out of my face.”

Chloe turned and walked back into the classroom. I was going to follow her, but then I figured it was better not to. I was going to make her madder if I do. I could go find Marley and maybe talk to her, but I didn’t know where she was going to be. I should just let them cool down before I talk to them.

I decided to just head home. I could think better there and try and work out where I went wrong. If my dad was here I could talk to him about the situation. But at the same time I knew he would tell me to make my own decision. I knew what I felt for Marley, but what I felt for Chloe, I wasn’t sure exactly what I felt. Sure, Chloe is the most beautiful woman I had ever met, and she is a great friend. But what I really thought of her was underdetermined.

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