"Can I keep these?"

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Lauren hadn't dreaded going to school this much since the previous year when the cheerleading team,, had made it their mission in life to make her every day as miserable as possible. That is, until Katy Perry had a sudden change of heart and stopped targeting Lauren altogether. She still didn't know what suddenly made her former bully transfer schools, but it didn't matter to Lauren anymore.

All she wanted at the moment was to stay home with Camila. The slave had still been asleep when Lauren and Chris had left the house together half an hour ago. In the back of her head Lauren silently hoped that Camila would sleep through the day until after school, but she knew it was an unrealistic thought.

"See you in choir." Lauren called, hurrying into the school to meet up with the guys before class. Lauren took her time locking up the car and heading into the building. She caught herself ducking by the dumpster, even though no one had tossed her in for over two years.

Checking her clock she realized that they had arrived at school a little later than usual, so she sped up her steps to get her books out of her locker and make it to class on time.

She had just turned a corner when two bodies collided with her, sending Lauren tumbling to the floor.

"Watch where you're going, homo!" A voice above her snarled as its owner walked past Lauren. She looked up to see  Brad Simpson Jr. retreat down the hallway.

"Do those mullets run in  your family, or is it one of those habitual things for you to do in the morning!?" Lauren called after him, rage bubbling up inside of her at the sight of him scurrying away.

SHe pushed herself to her feet, glad that she had been shoved to the floor and not against a locker this time, and hurried to her locker, barely making it to math class on time.

"Where have you been?" Lucy whispered, as she sunk into the seat next to hers the moment the bell rang and the teacher closed the classroom door behind herself.

"Late and then blocked by idiocy." SHe mumbled, opening her book. Lucy frowned for a moment before putting on a cheerful face and giving the teacher her full attention.

McCowell curriculum wasn't exactly challenging, but Lucy  still liked to make a good impression on every single teacher. Lauren had asked her about it once and had been punished by a half hour long Lucy Vives-monologue about the importance of letters of recommendation, she had not questioned her school related motives ever since.

Luckily for her , Lucy took up all of the teacher's attention, allowing Lauren to idly sketch a lyric  in her notebook. Lauren's thoughts weren't focused on her writing though. She was too busy wondering whether Camila was still asleep or if she had had breakfast yet.

Lauren knew that, being a slave, Camila was probably used to being left alone at home while her owners were out for work. Even if she wasn't, Camila was only a year younger than her, so Lauren knew that Camila should be able to take care of herself for half a day. Still, she couldn't help but worry about the beaten up girl in their guestroom.

"Miss Jauregui, would you care to grace us with your mental presence?"

Lauren looked up from her doodle, glancing at the board for a few seconds before answering. "F(x) is positive for all real values of x except for x = -2." The teacher gave an annoyed huff before refocusing his attention back to the blackboard. Lauren sighed in relief, deciding to save the doodling for home economics class. She was just about to find a blank page in her notebook to write on when the bell rang.

Keana was beside Lucy's desk, gathering up her belongings before Lauren had even had the time to put her pen away. For a fee, slaves were allowed to silently sit in the back of their owner's class during lessons, so they could immediately attend their owner's needs after the lesson ended. Hardly any students made use of this possibility, but Lucy Vives did not carry her own books.

Worthless (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ