Dink Dink

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"Ahhhhh.....DINK DINK!!" I giggled "dink dink dink dink dink....dink dink. WELCOME BACK!" I messed with the earphone I had placed on my head to hear better. I listened and watched as Julian did his normal intro of who their sponsors were for this particular week.

"JUUULIIAANN STOP! Don't eat like that in the mic. Its gross." Jenna yelled as Julian ate a chip out of the naturebox that sat on the table as the feature sponsor. "I'm sure our guest doesn't want to hear your loud ASMR chewing."

"Actually she can't hear, she's deaf." Julian fired back and he and I laughed as Jenna hung her head in shame.

"Almost deaf!" I shot back."I can hear when my hearing aids are in and you are speaking directly in front of me." I giggled as the banter continued back and forth for a bit while introducing myself to the viewers.

"So if you don't know who this is," Jenna pointed at me as I waved to the camera. "This is Hannah Jade. She is a youtuber and model." I nodded "And we've known each other for a while now?" She said looking at me for confirmation.

"We met at playlist and have been very good internet friends." I said agreeing with Jenna.

"Yes very good internet friends," Jenna said "If I did more collabs I would want to do one with you." I nodded "Easily top of the list."

"Thank you!" I said to her "Honestly I would love a collab, we should do something together." I paused but before anyone could say anything I nearly fell out of my chair with excitement, "BEECH!! I want to go to Jenna's ratchet salon!"

"Yess beeech come on in!" Jenna practically yelled back, "Come on over I make beautiful peoples even more beautiful." She said and Julian rolled his eyes.

"OR I can be on an episode of J&J's kitchen and MUKBANG." I said and Julian agreed with that statement.

"Look out on a youtube channel near you for this collab." Jenna said "But for now we have to get down to business, you went viral." She pointed at me.

"Yes." I answered smiling big.

"Like super viral," Julian added. "I can't remember the last time a youtuber went that viral for a good thing, a happy thing." Both Jenna and I nodded.

"Tells us about it-" Jenna started but then stopped to grab my hand "First show us the ring." I giggled. "If you guys are listening or can't see well on the video this ring is gorgeous."

"Stunning actually." Julian added

"Thank you!" I said loving every time I got to show off my ring. "He did very well. Honestly."

"He being Elton. If you don't know," Julian started "Elton Castee is another youtuber, who makes travel adventure vlogs, but also philanthropic educational vlogs as well."

I nodded, "Yes, he has two channels, the first one is just that, Elton Castee. His main channel is TFIL-"

"Which stands for The Fuck It List." Jenna added and I nodded

"Yes, The Fuck It List. Where basically he travels the world with his friends crossing off this list that he has in life, as well doing some good everywhere he goes." I paused "Whether its a large donation of clothes or food when he goes to poverty ridden countries, or he does live stream sit ins as the local ASPCA's to raise money for them. He's always doing some kind of good everywhere he goes." I smiled bright talking about my love.

"How did you two meet. Obviously both youtubers, were you like a fan of his before you started dating?"Jenna asked

"Honestly I was a fan of his." I tried not to blush as Julian went 'oooo'. "When I got really sick and lost my hearing, I had stumbled across TFIL and I loved the way they were just loving life and living it. It was inspiring to me." I shrugged before continuing "But I didn't actually meet him for a while. I met Heath Hussar first and introduced us, but we didn't really know each other until I moved to LA." I answered keeping it brief

"And he liked to do things big and over the top right?" Julian asked as I took a sip of water

"YES!" I choked out. "My lord yes. The man does not do anything small, anything. But it pushes me out of my comfort zone."

"So if it were up to you would you have had a proposal like this?" Jenna asked and I shook my head.

"No! Like I said in the video, I told him no big proposals." I started "We talked about it an I said I didn't want anything extravagant and big."

"So he took you to Italy." Julian said and I gave a small laugh and nodded, "And you had no idea."

"None." Jenna turned to me

"See now thats interesting like I knew you were surprised but I though you had to have known something" I shook my head.

"Elton, the boys, even my manager kept everything so secretive and no matter how much I would pester and try to get answers they just kept saying trust Elton."

"So you find out you're going to Italy, what were you thinking?" Jenna asked

"I was just happy to be going back! You know I spent a summer there" She nodded "So I thought he was just making this TFIL trip with me and the boys and the surprise was taking me back to my favorite place. I had no idea at all that he had this planned."

"And he had like this master plan right?" Julian asked and I nodded. "And it was almost ruined right?" I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, well no. Yes and no." I answered

"You got sick, right?" Jenna asked and I nodded.

"The second day in Rome I caught like a 24 hour cold or something. Messed up date night and missed a wine tasting." I said with a small pout.

"It looks like the boys still had fun with out you though." Julian and I laughed

"Yeah, they had too much fun that day lol" I paused "Apparently I wanted to have fun too. Theres video, I'm not sure who has it I think Heath where-" I shifted before starting over, "You both have traveled before, have you ever taken medicine from other countries?" I asked and they both answered no.

"Well," I smiled "The day we got sick we stopped into a pharmacy which in Europe is basically just a walk in clinic almost. I asked just for some NyQuil to sleep it off. Well the pharmacist was like take this it'll work in one day." I watched as their faces followed my story intently. "So I took it right there not thinking that I didn't really eat much that day or anything. By the time we made it back to the hotel Elton had to carry me up stairs." Jenna had a shocked face while Julian giggled.

"I was so drugged up and high I could barely walk straight and when we got to the hotel room, Heath I believe has the video, I just sat in the middle of the living room crying because I couldn't understand why they all wanted to just leave me."

"Oh my god," Jenna said "So you were drugged?"

"Not really," I laughed about it "The medicine they gave me was so strong and Having nothing in me made it so I was essentially high. I couldn't like comprehend that they would literally be back in a few hours. I thought they were leaving me in Rome."

"So you just sat there crying?" Julian giggled again

"Yes!" I said "Its the funniest footage. It took Elton like 20 minutes to calm me down and for me to fall asleep." We talked a bit more about the trip itself and what the impacts of a viral video like ours.

"So one last question." Julian started "When is the wedding? Where is the wedding? Who's invited? Will you film it?"

"I don't know those answers," I laughed "Knowing Elton he probably has something up his sleeve but you two will defiantly be invited."

"Yay!" "Yes."

"And I'm sure we'll film something for it but that is Eltons thing," I smiled "But we'll see."

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Would anyone read a Colby story? or an Aaron story? I have a few ideas but which would anyone like to actually read? if any.

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