What prank are you planning?

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I stared at Elton in disbelief. I couldn't tell If it was a prank or not. I stood there just staring at Elton. I searched his eyes over and over trying to find out if this was real life or some sick prank Elton was trying to pull. I couldn't believe he would take me half way around the world to my favorite place just to pull a prank like this. I knew my reaction was being watched by not only the boys but the camera they held as well. I held Eltons gaze before coming to my senses that this isn't a prank. I'm not dreaming and this was very real. My stomach dropped, my eyes watered, and I brought my hand up to cover my mouth in shock.


Maybe we should start at the beginning of the day.

Even though I had went to bed early last night, I barley slept I was so excited. I don't know if it was my tossing and turning all night or what but Elton hadn't slept much either. We both had given up on sleep around 3am when we turned on a movie and cuddled up together. I'm not sure about him but I fell asleep in his arms after only a few minutes of the movie we had picked. I woke up to Elton removing me from his arms, to get up for the day. I smiled at him before rolling over trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep before my alarm clock was set to go off.

I would eventually get up and put on my cute black and yellow floral print sundress, before tying my hair in a braid. I quickly grabbed my wallet and big sun hat before heading to the main room. Once again I was the last to arrive, as all the boys were sitting around smiling and whispering to each other, before they all jumped at the fact I had just opened the door. I cocked my eyebrow up at them.

"What are you planning?" I asked walking further into the room as they broke up their little circle. I watched as they all tried to sit up straight and pretend they weren't conspiring against me.

"Nothing." Colby was quick to answer as I narrowed my eyes and cocked my head to the side.

"Oookay." I said not believing them at all but allowing them to lie because nothing was going to ruin my day. "We ready?" I went to move to put my wallet in Elton's backpack that he brought his camera equipment in for the day. He quickly moved his bag so I couldn't get it, and then quickly took my wallet in his hand.

"I'll put it in there" He said keeping his bag from me. I narrowed my eyes at him wondering what he's hiding from me.

"I don't know what you are all hiding, or what the plan is but I will find out." I said pointing my finger at all of them before walking past them and to the door. They all followed me out the door and to the elevator to go down to breakfast. We quickly ate and were on our way.

We moved to catch the bus that was there to take hotel guest to Pompeii. Sam walked on the bus first followed by Elton then myself, and everyone else behind me. I ended up sitting with Colby, and Elton sat with Sam. The two of them sat across the isle from me and Colby whispering to each other the whole ride. 

I tired not to pay attention to them as myself and Colby were playing a stupid game on his phone on the quick 30 minute drive over to the site. As we got closer I couldn't help but get more and more excited. It got to the point where I couldn't stop bouncing my leg and fiddling with my hands. We finally got to the entrance to the site and it took everything in me not to push everyone out of the way to get off the bus. Elton managed to get off the bus before me and was standing there with his camera ready to film my reaction as I stepped off the bus.

I stepped off the bus, and took a few steps forward before just stopping and staring at the sight in front of me. I looked dead into the camera.

'I am going to cry' I signed before leading the pack towards the site itself. We walked to the site and paid for our tickets before grabbing our maps and headed in. I lead the pack up the hill and through the archway into the city. We entered the city itself and walked into the open space. We started our way further into the site, making our way through the open space that used to be the town center. We made our way through the ruins to the side streets. We stopped on a street of houses that was pretty empty to film.

"So Pompeii," I said standing on the lifted sidewalk as Colby, Sam, Heath, and Jay stood around listening to me and Elton filmed. "A Roman city that was buried by about 20ft of volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius" I paused to point to the mountain that was just off in the distance, "when it erupted in 79AD. Its a city stuck in time as many people were buried in the volcanic ash before they could actually escape."

"So people just like died doing whatever they were doing when the volcano erupted?" Heath asked.

"Yes and no." I answered, "the eruption was so hot, that the air around the town essentially disappeared and the people suffocated before being completely covered in the volcanic ash." Continued to give a small history lesson as we continue to walk from house to house, through the streets. We made our way down to the most famous houses. The Lunar of Pompeii.

"Wait wait," Sam said as we entered through one of the entrances to the small building. "This is a city run brothel?" I nodded as I watched them go from room to room looking at the stone beds that were there.

"You can see above the door," I pointed up to the little pice of art work above one of the door way. "Each painting says what kind of girl was in each room. So if you wanted something rougher or a bigger girl, you checked the painting." We stood in the small building that had 5 rooms in the bottom floor and more on the upper floor which was closed off to the public.

We continued to go building to building moving from the brothel into other houses the had beautiful open rooms with mosaics that we were able to view from the doorways. We spent an hour of just wondering the streets allowing Elton to get footage. We ended up in the theatre, where no one was around. For once that day it was just us no other tourist or anyone just our small group. 

I was sitting with Heath on the side as Elton moved around the theater gathering shots, and Sam and Colby were taking pictures on the other side of the theatre and Jay had been walking around filming shots as well. I watched as Elton set up a time lapse by his bag a few steps up, before walking down the steps and standing on the stage before facing me. He smiled at me and waved me over. I gave him the side eye before shaking my head.

'Take picture' he signed as I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the set I was sitting on and made my way down to him. He held out his hand and I put my hand in his as I got close to him. He used that to pull me in close putting his hands on my waste holding me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly pecked my lips and pulled back to look at me.

"Thank you for today," I said quietly so he could hear me "This has been the best day." He smiled before responding. He pulled away slightly to bring his hands up to sign to me.

'You are welcome. I wanted to take you somewhere special.' I smiled watching his hands 'You know I love you, and I wanted to make this as special as I could.' I looked at him and tilted my head and before I could ask he moved to take a small box out of his pocket. 'I know we talked about this and you didn't want some big to do about it, but its me and I don't do small.' My breath hitched in my throat and my mouth dropped slightly open I couldn't tell if he was being serious or if this was the prank they were planning earlier. I watched as he moved to bring the small black box up opening it, showing the most beautiful simple ring I had ever seen.

My eyes started to water, my stomach dropped, and I moved my hand up to cover my mouth that was now completely open in shock. I mouthed the word babe, as I tried to make words. I felt all the boys eyes on me knowing they all had a camera recording this interaction.

"Seriously?" I whispered in shock, and he nodded before signing and speaking at the same time.

'I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Hannah Jade, will you marry me?'

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