Chapter 2

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Hours later I woke up on the floor my head was pounding and I felt like my ribs where crushed. I had a huge gash above my left brow and a bruise on my right cheekbone. I crawled to the bathroom to get a better look at my scrapes, the bruise matched the bags under my eyes. after staring down my reflection for a couple of minutes I decided I should go to get something to eat. I walked to the kitchen and it was empty, completely and utterly empty.

I checked the clock, it read 4:30. of course nothing was gonna be open. So I decided on just getting ready and stopping by the my work to get a bite to eat.

My head was still pounding and my runs hurt when I stretched them out let alone breathe so I crawled up the steps on my hands and knees.when I made it too the top I started a hot bath, it was probably the best way to clean up my cut. I took 3 Advil and slowly lowered my bruised body into the steaming water.

It stung at first, after wincing in pain for about 5 minutes I could sit somewhat comfortably so I could wash up.

I probably sat there for about an hour before I decided on how I was gonna cover up the bruise on my face.i finally got out. My cold dripping hair laying on my back I made my way back to my bedroom to get ready. I but on a pair of black yoga pants and a pink hoodie. as much as I wanted to put my hair up I needed to hide my face as much as possible.

So I brushed out my blonde hair and tried my best to cover up my bruise. I grabbed my phone and flip flops and walked to the diner.

I walked into the hole in the wall place I worked at and sat down at the bar.

"Hon what are you doing here so early? you don't go to work until after school."Rachel said. she was the only person that I could trust around here but I would never tell her about my uncle.

"I just stopped by to get some food on my way to school." I say with my head down. she heads off to the kitchen returning minutes later with a cup of coffee a stack of pancakes and home fries.

" Eat up I know you don't get enough at home" she walks off to wait on a table on the other side if the diner.

I didn't realize how hunger I was until I actually ate. it surprised me how much I ate.

I checked my phone realizing that it was quarter after 6 and I was gonna be late. I told Rachel that I'd pay later when I come to work even though she shooed me off and told me not to worry about it.

I thanked her and ran out the door trying to make it to school before the first bell rings.


Sorry I haven't updated in what feels like months mostly cause it was lol I'm enjoy and I'll try to make it a habit of updating frequently!!

I love you lovelies♡


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