Agreed. Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for not posting for like a while. I think it's been a month or something like that. Well, I'm back for now and I'm going to be more active until school starts (which luckily for me is in September). When school begins, I'll have to rearrange my schedule and will be a lot busier. But, enough with the negativity, I'm back for now. So I hope you all enjoy this update and that you wont have to wait too long for the next one.

Stephanie's POV

Thank God we showed up when we did. Otherwise that man would've been a complete goner. I look at the kid and see the rage in his eyes as he turned to face me.

"Damn? Is that all you have to say?" He puts up one finger signalling me to wait and he lets go of the sword and stomps on the thug's kneecaps, crushing them. "You won't be stealing from anyone ever again, or I will kill you. The nuisances behind me wont be there to protect you. Got it." I see the thug nod quickly with complete fear in his eyes. "Remember this next time you have the nerve to pick on someone. You really are lucky. Now grab your goddamn partner and go!

The thug is completely scared out of his mind as he crawls to his partner and wakes him up as they leave. I'm completely shocked on how this 30 year old thug responded to this 10 year old kid! He was scared out of his mind. This kid sure is something.

Damian's POV

I showed him. That thug won't ever steal from anyone ever again. I remember the group of goody goodies behind me and turn back to face them, completely annoyed with them. "Where's that imbecile Nightwing?" I say sarcastically knowing full well where he is.

"Dont play dumb you little Demon! You were going to kill that thug weren't you!" says that dumbass Timothy. "Yeah. What of it? Oh yeah. You guys are the softies of Gotham City." 

Jason turns to face me and jumps off the building he was on to stand right in front of me as he squats down. "Who you callin' a softy, runt?" "Oh yes, The Red Hood. I know about you. You aren't soft. You know what real justice is. Killing your enemies."

Jason's POV

I look at the kid. I didnt know what to do or say. I didnt want to say he was right because of the others around but I didnt want to refuse. Then I would just look like a hypocrite. He got me. "Whatever, short stack." is all I can say. He takes back his sword and sheathes it. "The rest of you are just softies trying to intimidate your foes."

Bruce walks over to the kid with one of the most pissed and angry faces he's ever had. I stand up and take a few steps backwards. I'm not about to get in the middle of that argument.

Damian's POV

Ugh and here comes the Big Bad Bat. Trying to look all scary. Please. 



"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" he screams in a loud, deep, and scratchy voice. I didnt think he would be this scary. I almost started to cry on just that one question.

Stephanie's POV

Here it comes. What this little bastard deserves! I think as I see Bruce scolding him. But what happened next completely and utterly surprised me.

Hey guys I hope you all really enjoyed this. Don't forget to vote. The next chapter's going to be awesome. I'm thinking of posting it either late today or tomorrow. Maybe. Anyways dont forget to vote and also follow me. I'm a cool person. Plus you should check out my other stories too. C ya.

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