I Want to Fight by Your Side

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Damian's POV

He took me to his cave. It was very dull and mostly everything was black and grey. Just like father's costume.  There were 6 others there, besides me and father. "Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl, Red Robin, Spoiler. With true identities of Richard or Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Alfred Pennyworth. I've heard about you, all of you. I know basically everything about you." 

I looked around some more. "So, this is the fabled Bat Cave. Smaller than I imagined. Efficient though." "Who's the critic?" "He's my son, Dick" Dick wasnt very bright. I figured that after I studied him, and he proved it when I arrived. 

"Master Damian, welcome to the Wayne Manor" "Thank you, Pennyworth. And you, I'm guessing are the sum total of the servants here?" "There are no servants, Alfred's a friend." "No servants, what a terrible idea. I thought you were rich." 

"The League of Assassins ha-" "League of Assassins? Who are you, kid" "I am Damian Al Ghul. Born to Talia Al Ghul and the Batman. I was trained by master assassins until the age of 9. When I turned 9, I started what was called the Year of Blood. Many that got in my way were, lets just say, they're gone now. So, thats who I am, Brown."

She looked at me like I was a freak. I knew I didnt like her. "Bruce, what does this mean about me and you" I listened in as my interest peaked "This means nothing, Tim. We stay Batman and Robin. Damian's just staying  here for a while." "How long?" I could see the sarcasm on his face. "We don't know yet."

Damian Wayne (From Heir to the Demon to Heir to the Cowl)Where stories live. Discover now