What happened next?

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All right, you met him, but it doesn't look like you become good friends. Here's what made you real friends.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man

You came with Peter to his table. He had some friends. "Guys, this is [y/n]." he said. "Hi." You said. "All right, those are: Sam, Ava, Luke, Danny, Amadeus, Miles, Flash, Ben, Harry and MJ." Peter said. You met his friends and ate your dinner. Then you asked Peter if he knows where Spanish class is. He smiled. "You have Spanish now?" "Yeah." "Me too!" he said. He walked you to the classroom and then you sat with him.

Next day when you walked into Chemistry classroom and you wondered where you should sit you herd: "[y/n]! Here, you can sit with me!". It was Peter. You both realized, that you have lessons together almost whole time

You begin to spend more time with Peter, mostly in classrooms and canteen, but you were meeting after school too.

Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider

Ben walked you home. "Thank you." You said. "Whatever, punk." He said and was about to walk away. "Wait!" "What?" "W-would you like to meet with me for a tea, or something? I just..." You were trying to say. He sighed. "All right, where?" "You know where is 'Green café'?" "Yeah." "So... maybe let's meet there tomorrow about 4 pm?" "Fine. See you." He said and walked away. You smiled a little. You wanted to meet him better since he saved you.

Next day you walked into Green café and looked around. You saw Ben. He was sitting next to the window. You sat next to him. "Hi." You said. "Oh, hi." He looked at you. You bought him a tea and one for yourself and you began to talk with each other. You didn't realized when hour flew away. He wasn't talking too much, but you knew that he was listening to you. After some time he looked at clock. "Oh, we're here almost 2 hours, I have to go." He said. You nodded and woke up. He sighed. "You know what? You're less annoying than other punks I know, maybe..." "Do you want to meet again?" "I guess I really need a break from them, so, yeah, why not?" he said. You gave him your phone number and went to home.

Since then you were meeting at least once a week. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked talking with you, and that's why he called you after some time.

Miles Morales/Kid Arachnid

You, your mum, Miles and Miles' mum walked into alley with T-Shirts. Your mum found one saying 'I love my mum' and she decided to buy it for you. "I'm gonna look stupid." you said. Miles patted your back. "Don't worry, I have one too. We'll look stupid together." he said. "Well I'd rather like to look un-stupid together.". While you were talking your moms were talking too.

When T-Shirts got bought you had to say 'goodbye' to Miles. Some time later your mum walked into your room. "[y/n], could you please show me how you look in that new T-Shirt?" she asked. You sighed and dressed up. "Wow, you look grate. Look into mirror." "I look stupid." "No you don't, now get into the car." "What? Let me change clothes-" "No, we're going right now, we're supposed to meet with Rio in Central Park." "With who?" you asked when your mom dragged you into car. "Rio." she siad "Miles's mom."

When you got to the Park you were very ashamed about your T-Shirt. Suddenly you saw Miles... in same T-Shirt. Your moms saw each other and began to talk. Miles approached you. "Told you we'll look stupid together." he said. "Kids!" your mum shouted. You both came to them. "Maybe go play on playground?" she said. "I'm not a child!" Miles said. "But you answered when she called you kid a moment ago." Miles' mum said.

After a moment Miles sighed in defeat and you both sat down next to slide. You were talking a lot while trying to hide your T-Shirts from kids. Since your moms liked each other they decided to meet regularly, so you were seeing Miles regularly too.

Flash Thompson/Agent Venom

You and Flash began to train when trainer walked in. "I'm glad that you are training together. I wanted both of you to take part in competitions. You have one week to get ready. If both of you will be able to lift 60 pounds you, and our school, will get reward. Are you in?" "Always." Flash said. "Sure, why not?" you said.

You and Flash stayed at school to train. You were talking about some things and you soon realized that you like same things. 

One week later. You and Flash were drinking water in hall. "Do you think we won?" he asked. "I think that we did our best and I hope that it was enough." "...Yeah, me too.". Suddenly someone came out of room next to you. "Are you from Midtown?" guy asked. "Yeah. What's up?" Flash said. "Come in." he said. You both woke up and walked into the room. 

After a long talk you finally learned. You won! You and Flash made a high-five.

Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099

After your guest felt a little better he took his backpack and was about to leave. "Where are you going?" you asked. "I think that I have one friend here." "If you'll need some place in which you can spend night you can come back to my house." "Thanks. I don't think that I'll need it, but thanks anyway." He said and walked out.

First you were just looking through the window, but after 15 minutes you went to kitchen to eat something. Then you came back and kept looking for Miguel. After one hour you felt really tired, so you walked into your bedroom and fell asleep. You woke up about 2 pm. After a moment you realized, that you woke up because someone knocked on the door. Even through you were half-asleep you still remembered about Miguel, so you answered the door really fast. He was standing in front of you. He was dirty and wet. You almost didn't recognized him at first sight.

"Is your offer still valid?" he asked. "W-what happened to you?!" "It's a long story, but in the end I couldn't find my friend and I feel into the river. Or something like river. So... could I stay here for the night? Just one. I know that it's really late, but..." "Yeah, come in. Would you like to use bath? And do you have clothes?" "I'd really like to wash myself and I don't have clothes." "All right, go to bathroom then, and I'll find some clothes for you." You said.

You took blanket and put it on sofa, because it was only place in which he could sleep. Then you found some clothes that were too big for you. You left them on sofa and got closer to bathroom's door. "Miguel?" "Yeah?" "I left some clothes on sofa, you can sleep at it too, okay?" "Yeah, sure, thank you!"

Next day Miguel was looking for his friend whole day, but you saw him in front of your house when it was getting late. He said that his friend can't let him stay in his house, so Miguel is actually homeless right now. You let him stay for second night and you can't remember when, but he became your roommate.

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