Chapter 12

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"So what you wanna do today?" Zoey asked me. Over the past few days, we have been hanging out and coddling Zeus. Jaxon has been trying to get me to get rid of Zeus, but to no avail. He's starting to learn that I can be stubborn when I want, which is most of the time honestly.

"How about we go to town. I'm kinda tired of being cooped up in the house." For the past few days, Jaxon has put off some duties so he could 'woo' me, but today he had to play catch up. He can be very charming when he wants, but I'll never admit that to him.

"Okay. I could use a few new things. Meet up in an hour?"

"Sounds good." I left the kitchen to go change. As much as society has changed, it's still not acceptable to wear pajamas while shopping.

I change, grab my purse, and go back downstairs to wait for Zoey. I'm plopped down on the couch when I sense Jaxon walk in.

"You look good." He sit down next to me and pulls my legs into his lap.

"Yeah, well you haven't seen me when I've just woken up, yet." I pull my legs away from him and sit up.

"Key word, yet." He says pointedly at me. "But, I'll bet anything that you look beautiful when you wake up."

"And you'd lose that bet." I stand up to put a little distance between us because as much as I'd hate to admit it, he's starting to affect me.

"You're always beautiful." He pushes Zeus off his lap and I pick him up to coo at him. "What are you going to do today?" He pouts at me.

"Zoey and I are going shopping for some things." I set Zeus back on Jaxon's lap, and he pushes him off again. Rude.

"Here, take this." He pulls out his wallet and hands me his credit card. I look at it in disgust.

"I'm not taking that!" I back away from him and his card.

"Yes you are, and you will." He steps forward, with it still outreached.

"No, I'm not. I have my own money and can take care of myself." I may not have as much money as he does, but I have enough for my needs which mostly consist of ice cream.

"Please babe? I'd make me feel better if you had it." He stuck out his lip and pouted at me.

"No, I'm not taking it." I crossed my arms and stared at him. Neither one of us moved until I saw Cameron walk in from the corner of my eye.

"Cameron! Just the person I wanted to see." From the twinkle in his eye, Jaxon had something up his sleeve.

"Uhh, what?" Cameron looked between the two of us bewildered.

"Grace is going to town and I can't go with her, so would you mind taking my place for me?" That bastard. It's not like he was even planning on going in the first place.

"Sure man. Let me go change and we can leave shortly." He disappeared up the stairs. Jaxon turned and looked at me with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Doesn't bother me. He can carry our bags for us. Besides," I looked over my shoulder at him long enough to make eye contact, "I need new undergarments, and he can give me his opinion when I try them on."

"Hey!" I hear him call out as I dash out the room. I hear him come after me and as he's the alpha-to-be, he quickly catches me and pulls me to him.

"I'm the only one who gets to see you like that." He's breathing heavily and seems genuinely upset. I gently put my hands on his biceps and gently squeeze. Wow, okay, these are very nice biceps.

"Jaxon, I was just teasing you. I'm not gonna let some strange dude see me like that." I slowly rub my hand up and down his arm because let's be real, he's hot. Once that thought pops in my head, I quickly remove my hand and out of his embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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