House of Wolves

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                “Wait a second. This isn’t Battery City. Kids don’t operate like zombies. They run around and play. How do you know they’re not off exploring somewhere?” Desi asked.

                “It’s also the end of the world. Every kid here not attached to someone bigger than them knows to let people know what’s up. There is no such thing as a carefree kid running around willy-nilly like there used to be.” Kobra replied.

                “Besides, I was going to find Fanta and talk to her about Candy and everything. I had an authority problem like her when I was younger. I get it. That’s why Lithium and I ran off at twelve and started our own gang.” Rasta shook his head. He hated getting off-track. Rambling off was something he must have picked up from me. “Anyways, when I went to go see Black Rain, she was freaking out. She couldn’t find her anywhere. And, since Fanta’s always running off and everything, anyways, she’s got a walkie so someone can always reach her. Black Rain had been trying her for a half-hour with no reply. She told me that never happens.” Rasta said.

                “What about Epic Strike? I know he’s only about fourteen, but he went on the supply trip with us. You have to have your shit together to be a scout, and he’s got a walkie, too.”

                “It’s the same point. Cyanide Smash came to me, and told me what happened.”

Kobra started to explain. “One minute they were having a conversation, keeping their separate watch points, and suddenly, there was no reply. He went to go see what was going on, and found a blaster scorch on the alley wall, and the walkie smashed, like someone had thrown it.”

“Okay, so something serious is happening. But what about the other kids?” Fun Ghoul finally spoke. So, that’s how he is in a crisis. He doesn’t say much until he has an important question or figures something out before everyone else.

Kobra sighed. “We’re not sure. But, they seem to have practically walked off. But one Killjoy said his little sister ran back to get her bandanna from the warehouse they were crashing at, and never came back. He went to go get her, thinking she might have gotten distracted by a friend or something. He found her bandanna crumpled on the ground, covered in street grime. Apparently, that was her favorite possession, and cherished. She didn’t do that to the bandanna.”

“Does Dr. D have his guys watching the BL/ind security cameras? In case whoever did this leaves the city?” Desi asked.

“Oh, he’s got better than that. Whatever’s left of L.A.’s city cameras were patched into his system hack. This new guy, Silicon Rocket, fixed it all up for us faster than D himself could get down here and do it. And, to answer your question, he’ll be all over it as soon as Jet Star gets to him.”

“We know Silicon. He used to run with our gang, ‘til something didn’t go right for Lithium. Then he ran like hell from that kind of crazy. We still keep in touch, sometimes.” Rasta said.

“Okay, so what are we doing about the kids?” Desi asked.

“As soon as we knew what happened to you, we were going to join up with a search-slash-assault party. Candy Bang-Bang and Black Rain have already volunteered, since they feel responsible for some of them. As well as that little girl’s older brother, Crash Rebel. Manic and the others must have rounded up a gang by now. We should head towards the main warehouse, if you don’t have any more questions.”

“Let’s go. I want to find these guys as soon as possible. Especially if it’s not BL/ind behind this.” Desi said. “It’s bad enough that eighty percent of the world lives a non-life. Having other kinds of evil to worry about just plain sucks.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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