Hraia Naucon Aran (Stubborn Dwarf King)

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I hope you enjoy this chap! I have another in the works which, I plan in turning it into a sequel! 😉

(It wasn't originally planned that way, but you can thank my mom!)


Gandalf went over to talk to Bard, I vaguely heard their conversation.
"Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?"
"It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win."
I stepped up to both of them.
"That wont stop them. They wont surrender, trust me. They're too stubborn. They'll fight to the death to protect what they love. They spent months just to get back what was lost to them for 60 years. If I was a Dwarf, I'd do the same. - Defend my homeland."
"You speak as if you've known these dwarves your whole life..." Gandalf said, curiously.
"In a way, I have." I replied. "I was gifted with sight."
Bard and Gandalf looked at me, shocked.
"I've seen their journey, the struggles, the ups and downs..." I told the two of them.
"Extraordinary..." Gandalf whispered.

We once again retreated to the tent.
"We planned on using Kili as ransom, Mithrandir." I told him as soon as we got inside.
"And how many know of this plan?"
"Not many. Just my kin from Lake-Town that stayed when I was injured." Kili spoke.
"Good, very good indeed. Though, it all depends how sick Thorin is." Gandalf sighed.
"We're well aware, Mithrandir... Hopefully he's not too sick." I said.
"He'll snap out of it, that I'm sure of. My uncle is strong."


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


"My uncle values his kin above all else, even the Arkenstone I should hope." Kili spoke to everyone in the tent.
"Kili, I would not underestimate the power of Dragon sickness. Your uncle when he was not sick, would indeed put his kin first...but now that he's sick, i'm not so sure." Gandalf told Kili softly.
I sighed. "What are we to do, then Mithrandir?"
"We are going to test your theory, hope that it works and that he wont try to kill you both." Mithrandir stated.

Night had set, and Morning had come.

Before we knew it, it was time to face Thorin and the rest of the Dwarves.
We let Thranduil and Bard ride forward first, we hung back within his troops with Gandalf.

Thranduil had stopped on his Elk, and Thorin fired an arrow between both Bard and Thranduil's steeds.
"I'll put the next one between your eyes." Thorin stated.
It was then that all the elves aimed at Thorin, and all the Dwarves ducked - Except Thorin.
Thranduil gave the 'hault' signal.
"We have come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered, and accepted." Thranduil spoke.
"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing!" Thorin yelled.
It was then, that we three, Gandalf, Kili, and I stood next to Thranduil and Bard.
"We have Kili." Bard stated.
Thorin lowered his bow.

'Does he believe us?' I wondered, holding Kili's hand.
"They have Kili, abductors!" Dwalin shouted.
"How did you come to have one of my sister-sons!?" Thorin demanded.
"The King may have his kin back, with our good will. But first he must honor his word." Bard spoke.
My eyes widened, and my grip on Kili's hand tightened.
'This was to bring Thorin out of his madness, Bard!'
Thorin started to whisper then shouting, "they are taking us for fools. This is a ruse. A filthy lie. My nephew is in this mountain! It is a trick!"
"Its no trick, uncle. I helped him escape." Fili stood up for himself, and his brother.
Thorin's face snapped up to Fili. "My own sister-son would betray me? Throw him from the rampart!"
It was then that Thorin tried to throw his own kin from the rampart, "Do you not hear me!? I will do it myself. Curse you!"
"Fili!" Kili called out.
Gandalf would have none of it. "If you don't like your family, Kili's brother. Then please don't damage him. Return Fili to us. You will only be breaking more hearts and make a bigger fool of yourself, Thorin King Under The Mountain."

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