Spawn Of Ungoliant (Gwectha- En Wirilóme)

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____ Fast Forward Until Morning ____

I had another one last night. Another seeing. The same group of Dwarves and a Hobbit had entered Mirkwood and had gotten lost. Soon after, they were found by those spiders. I witnessed them falling one by one, but the Hobbit was nowhere to be seen. After they had all found each other, (except the Hobbit) they got surrounded than I heard Elven footsteps. I silently wondered if I was amongst them...when the dream stopped.

After that night, the seeing's came more often. I'd see them on the back of the Great Eagles, in Lake Town, fighting Goblins with Mithrandir. Though I got the feeling that whatever I was seeing was not in order... Whenever I got too anxious I played my music box and sang or hummed along, either that or I searched out the stars. - If it was a clear night. I had a gut feeling that whatever was coming, would be here soon. Just how soon? Only the Valar knew.


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


It was the year 2941, Two Weeks after Midsummers Eve when we got the alert that their were intruders in the forest. I couldn't help but wonder if it was them, the Dwarves. Or some stray Orc party? We ran through the forest using the trees and the spiders silk to our advantage, Legolas and I leading the guard.
I saw Legolas run up ahead, and slide under a spider, slaying it instantly with his dagger through its stomach.
He then proceeded to point his bow at what I had assumed for a very long time, to be the leader of the company of Dwarves.

I froze. Dwarves. 'They're here.' I thought. Hardly believing my eyes. The question was, what was I suppose to do? The seeings hadn't told me anything about that. I began walking towards the others, taking my place among the Guard.
Arrows were pointed everywhere. And I...felt that it was wrong. But, I kept up my facade, a hard face.

"Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf. It would be my pleasure." Legolas stated.
Suddenly a cry was heard.
"Argh, Help!" My head turned in the see the one Dwarf that has been the star of my seeings. My eyes widened. 'I cannot let him come to harm.' My mind thought.
"Kili!" Another Dwarf yelled immediately at his cry. 'A relative, perhaps?'
I took after the dark haired Dwarf, from the tree tops saving him from the Spawn of Ungoliant.
"Throw me a dagger, quick!" He yelled seeing one coming.
"If you think that I'm giving you a weapon, Dwarf you are mistaken!" I spoke throwing my weapon into the spider's eye, shocking him.
"Search them." Legolas ordered.
I spotted Legolas taking something from a red-headed Dwarf, a portrait? He was rather upset.
And another Elf, under my command was removing daggers left and right from the other dwarf that called out his name...Kili was it?
I was in thought when Legolas spoke to me, "Gyrth in yngyl bain?" *Are the spiders dead?*
"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn" *Yes, but more will come.* I sighed. He looked curious. "Nan yryn. Engain nar." *They're growing bolder.*
It was then that he returned to the leader of the company, taking his sword Orcrist and examining it. "Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh." *This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.* Legolas spoke.
"Where did you get this?" He asked the leader.
"It was given to me." He spoke softly.
I knew he was telling the truth, I saw it. In the Troll Hoard. It was one of my seeings.
Legolas turned the blade on him. "Not just a thief, but a liar as well."
At this point, I was contemplating on whether to risk telling him about my gift, or not.

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