Dont be mad, please

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I go out of the house, the big house. Journalists and cameras everywhere.

"How about tell something's about what happened yesterday? Why didn't you come home last night? Why are you wearing Luke's sweater and cap?" All kinds of comments.

"God bless you, have a nice day!" I say and go into the car.

"I didn't think Luke had it this hard as he has it" I say to the guard.

"Sometimes it is worth it" he says and watching out the window.


"Why the hell where you at the 5SOS house all night? Have you smoked pot? Have you been drunk?!? Where the hell did you do?!? Have you had sex?!?!?" Mum yells at me.

"Mum just liste.." I start but then dad gets home.

"I'm disappointed at you Em" He says and sits down in the kitchen with a Jack Daniels in his hand.

"It didn't happened anything!!! Just trust me please! Smell if I've smoked, or am drunk! Yes, we did have sex me and Luke, but he had protection! I promise please! Mum! You had me when you were sixteen! Seriously you could understand more than anybody else! You said to me that you were fifteen when you had it the first time! Mum please" I say and cry.

"You won't meet that boy again" She says and goes out the room. I gets so mad. I run up the stairs and lock my bedroom door, my parents bank on it. I do take as many clothes as I can in my biggest bag and take my car keys. My parents almost got the lock up so I take my bag, phone, keys and money and climb out the window. I jump into the car and drive away to the 5SOS house. I knock on the door without my guards.

"Luke please it's me, hurry! Whoever's in there!!" I say. I beg to God they're home.

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