Chapter Eight

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When Alfie woke up the next morning, he realised pretty quickly that he couldn't feel his arm. Opening his eyes and looking down, he saw Jacob was laying on it, his back to him as he continued to sleep.

As much as he wanted to let Jacob sleep, Alfie did need his arm and, as much as he wasn't looking forward to the pins and needles that would accompany the freeing of his arm, he really did appreciate having feeling in it.

Carefully, Alfie pulled his arm out from underneath Jacob, hoping he'd managed to be gentle enough that he hadn't disturbed Jacob. That hope was dashed when he heard Jacob make a small noise, his eyebrows furrowing as he gradually woke up.

His eyes fluttered open and Alfie watched as he glanced around in confusion for a moment before understanding dawned on his face and he shifted, turning to face Alfie.

He lay back down, his head sinking into the pillow, his hand reaching for Alfie's. Alfie tried to reach out and grab it but stopped short when the movement sent a wave of pins and needles up his arm. He groaned quietly, chuckling as he fell back into his pillow.

Alfie glanced up, seeing Jacob's questioning gaze.

"Pins and needles," he said by way of explanation. "Because someone," he looked pointedly at Jacob, "decided to use my arm as a pillow."

"What can I say," Jacob shrugged, gazing with Alfie with something akin to affection shimmering in his eyes, "you're very comfortable."

"Mmmm," Alfie hummed, his eyes closed, revelling in the feeling of Jacob's presence. He hadn't realised just how much he'd missed having someone to wake up to until he'd opened his eyes and seen Jacob.

As though sensing his thoughts, Jacob leaned over, pressing a brief kiss to his lips. Alfie blinked up at him, owlishly, hips lips curling into a smile despite himself. He stretched out his arms, wrapping them around Jacob and pulling him into a kiss. Jacob scrunched up his nose, pulling away.

"Ew, morning breath," he said, but he was smiling.

"What are you saying about me?" Alfie asked, an expression of mock-hurt spreading across his features, pressing a hand to his chest. Jacob huffed out a laugh.

"You're so dramatic," he told him, pulling him into a proper kiss, linking their fingers together.

It was Alfie who broke the kiss this time, turning away from him before Jacob could capture his lips again his hand still held firmly in Jacob's grip.

"As much as I would love to stay here all morning, we do actually need to get up." Alfie laughed as he glanced over and saw Jacob pouting behind him, his eyes wide and pleading. "Come on, no fair. You know I can't argue with you when you do that," Alfie said, grabbing his pillow and hitting him in the face.

"Now who's playing dirty?" Jacob smirked, grabbing his pillow and trying to get Alfie back. Alfie blocked his attempts easily, giggling at Jacob's determination.

Jacob managed to get a hold of Alfie's pillow and yanked it out of his hands and throwing it across the room. He lifted his pillow to finally land a hit on Alfie but Alfie grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, kissing him softly.

Jacob's grip on the pillow slowly loosened and he dropped it, foregoing it to lift his hand to cup Alfie's face, deepening the kiss. He felt Alfie shift beneath him before something soft was colliding with the side of his head, pushing him back onto the bed. He could hear Alfie cackling next to him, the pillow he'd dropped clutched in his hands.

"You traitor! I trusted you," he said, pouting but he couldn't even fake anger – Alfie's laughter was too infectious and, soon, he was joining in. Alfie fell onto his side beside him, still laughing.

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