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"Ziggy?" The blonde man above me asks.

I cease my struggling and look up to see the familiar smile of my lost friend. "David?" The handsome boy laughs gently and nods. I scan his face with my mouth hanging open. "Where did you go?" I whisper.

"I never left," he whispers back. "I fucked it. We could've been friends and I blew it. I lost you."

"Could've? I always saw you as a friend. Maybe even more than that," I whisper the last part, thinking he would not hear it but I'm guessing he did due to the large smirk that stretches across his face.

"It's good we agree on that then," David quietly speaks as he leans closer to me. My throat contracts as his cold breath fans across my face. David's frozen lips hover over my warmer ones. "Join us, Ziggy. Join me for eternity. C'mon, my love, what'd you say?"

"I can't.. my brothers... Sam... Michael." I breathlessly gasp as David clamps his hand on my jaw and my eyes widen slightly. "David?!"

"ZIGGY!" I hear Sam shout as he wrestles to grab my arm as David's death hold is still tightly secured on my jaw. David hisses at Sam with his fangs and yellow eyes on full display. Sam and I scream together and Sam manages to pull me towards him a few inches. Enough for the light that pours through a hole in the ceiling to hit David's hand and combust. David yanks his hand from my jaw, leaving me enough time to escape from the tunnel with Sam.

I look back with fearful eyes at David who hides behind the light as he says, "Tonight."

I run outside into the daylight with Sam in front of me. "You drive," Sam instructs me as he tosses me the keys to his Grandpa's car.

"But I don't have my license yet," I complain.

"Better you than me Ziggy!" Sam yelps. I shift my eyes to the steering wheel and groan but jump into the drivers seat anyway.

I put the keys in the ignition and look towards my brothers who are standing at my side, outside of the vehicle. "Well, get in!"

"We don't ride with vampires," Edgar says reluctantly while shifting his gaze to Star, Michael and the small child called Laddie.

"Fine. Stay here!" Sam groans. The two boys standing outside of the car look at each other with knowing looks and nod to each other.

"We do now!" Alan says as he runs around the back of the car to the passenger seat where Sam is seating, followed by Edgar. The three squish up on the passenger seat, not wanting to disturb the three vampires sleep, who are snoozing in the back of the car.

"Alright Zig! Burn rubber!" Edgar shouts as he points his finger in front of him leading to the path we came from.

I slam my door on one of the pedals with my foot, sending the car backward towards the cliff instead of forward. I quickly brake before we fell to our deaths and sigh in relief. "'Burn rubber' doesn't mean warp speed!" I complain.


We make it back to the Emerson household in record - and most likely illegal - speed. Sam shakes Michael's shoulder to wake him up and he grabs Star and I grab Laddie.

We trek up the stairs after Sam put Nanook outside. Michael practically dumps Star's body onto Sam's bed and he collapses on the floor beside her and falls to sleep. I gently place the small child in my arms on the bed beside Star and place Michael's leather jacket over his face and body in case the sun pokes through the curtains.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 ★彡 ᵈᵃᵛⁱᵈWhere stories live. Discover now