The Triplets

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Rebbecca stood looking over the balcony, looking down on the creation her and her brothers had created. She watched as nameless faces bumped and grinded against each other in an intoxicated frenzy. She closed her eyes and let the powerful beat surrounding the club to consume her until she could feel it in her very bones.

She was suddenly pulled from her daydreaming when smooth strong arms wrapped around her waist. “Don’t think so hard, your brain might explode.”

Rebecca’s POV

I moaned quietly as his hot breath fanned over my neck. I turned my head silently in invitation for him, which he gladly took as he leaned in and peppered my neck with small kisses. I slowly turned to face him and noticed his shirt was undone and his eyes had a gleam that only I or Marcus could put there. “Have you two been at it without me again?” I whispered sensuously into his ear and I heard his answering groan. I pressed myself more against him so I could feel his bulge as I stocked the fire deep inside him. “Well we can’t have me missing out on the fun now can we?” I whispered. I suddenly pulled away then and walked backwards towards the back room that me and my brothers had turned into an in club bedroom for our personal use. Matthew stared at me with half lidded eyes as I swayed towards the door and then disappeared inside. As soon as I was inside the room I turned and saw the most erotic image ever.

My brother Marcus was splayed across the bed, sheets and clothing spread around the room. He was completely bare to my eyes and he had a slight sheen of sweat covering him. My eyes slowly followed a drop of perspiration as it made its way down his body and disappeared into the light scattering of pubic hair between his legs. I gulped slowly trying to calm the fire suddenly ragging in me. I took a step towards him and his eyes flashed to mine, he was hungry. His pink tongue flicked out and traced the line of his full lower lip as he sat up and moved to lean against the head board. I took another step forward and he opened his legs to me. I gasped when I saw a trail of cum slowly drip from his ass. Familiar arms wrapped around me again and I leant back into them and closed my eyes, moaning slightly. “Don’t worry, we’ll let you in on the festivities this time” Matthew chuckled.

My eyes flashed open again at that and I spun around in his arms again. I looked up at his shocked but chiselled face and then stared intently at his full lips, identical to our brothers. Those perfect lips turned up into a smirk and I lost all and any control I had left. I reached up to the back of his head with my hand and pushed his head down to my awaiting lips.

Marcus’s POV

I sat there in complete contentment as my sister stared at me with lust filled eyes. She was paying particular attention to my lower regions and I smirked. I watched as our brother strutted in behind her and wrapped his arms around her petit waist. She closed her eyes and leaned back into his arms in a drugged filled haze. I smiled to my brother as he whispered sweat things into her ear. Then all of a sudden they smashed their lips together in frenzy. I groaned and shifted slightly as mini-me got excited at the sight of my brother and sister kissing. My brother looked up at me when he heard me groan and smirked as he silently guided our sister towards the bed which I was laying on. When they reach the foot of the bed he removed his lips from hers causing a whimper to escape from her dripping lips. Matthew’s smirk grew and he gently lifted her by the waist and threw her on the bed so she landed nestled between my thighs. Both me and my sister groaned at the contact and she shifted slightly so she was able to grind her perk little ass against my growing penis. I looked over to my brother as he climbed on the bed and crawled to me and our sister. Rebecca lent forward to start kissing him again but he gently pushed her shoulders back until her back was pressed against my chest. She whimpered softly as he hand slowly started to trail downwards to the edge of her dress. He pulled the dress off her delicious body and removed her bra so she was left in just her black lace thong. I groaned even louder when I felt her bare ass against my member and she ground against me harder in response. Matthew lent forward and started sucking on her hardened pebble as his hand grabbed mine. He trailed our joined hands down her flat stomach towards her promised area. Rebecca jerked in response as Matthew used his free had to push the piece of lace covering her mound away. as soon as she was uncovered he moved our hands to recover it and I felt her juices flow as we massaged her growing heat, moans spilling from her lips. When she was wet enough me and Matthew both pushed a finger into her tunnel causing Rebecca to cry out in ecstasy. My brother slowly removed his mouth from her breast and placed it against my lips. I drifted into ecstasy as Rebecca ground against me, her head leaning against my shoulder filling my ears with her moans. My fingers feeling the place where I most wanted my member to reside and Matthew fucking my mouth with his tongue. I was in true bliss.

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