Chapter 4

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Tyler's POV

As soon as we were done eating breakfast and payed the bill we went home and started packing immediately because we were leaving tomorrow. While I was packing Sammy went and printed out the tickets. She was telling me all about how her and brace face became best friends. It's clear that he likes her but she doesn't see that, and now that we are going to be spending a month with him he could easily try to pull something! I mean come on this is Taylor Caniff we are talking about! I just know that either A. Sammy won't get caught up in his little act or B. she does and leaves me for him. He can't do this it's not fair! Sammy pulled me back into reality when she yelled up the stairs that the tickets are done, and that I need to finish packing. When Sammy walked into the room she had a smile on her face and was on the phone. I was about to ask who it was until she said the name, and no doubt it was Taylor. After she got off the phone she went to go pack and I followed her I want to ask what her and Taylor were talking about but I decided to brush it off.

Sammy's POV

I got off the phone with Taylor and decided I wouldn't tell him about Magcon because I want to surprise him. I mean I get to meet my best friend how exciting! I was in a daze as I was packing and didn't even realize I was talking out loud until Tyler cleared his throat. I also didn't realize that I had finished packing I think I may have over packed but oh well you can never be to sure.

When I realized I was done packing it was about 5:00 so I bought dinner for Tyler and I. We didn't really want a big dinner so we just ordered a pizza and watched a movie. By the time the movie was over it was about 7 so we decided to go to bed seeing as we have an early flight. As we laid in bed we both talked about random things and as Tyler was speaking I slowly drifted to sleep, and before I fell asleep I felt a kiss on my forehead and Tyler whispering goodnight.

The alarm went off at 4 signaling Tyler and I that we had to get up I hopped in the shower and I figured I would let Tyler sleep so when I got out of the shower I woke him up I got dressed an as did he. We went into the bathroom he brushed his teeth as did I an I did my make up. Our flight leaves at 5:30 and we have to be there by 5. Right now it was 4:30 so we left. Tyler drove us to the airport and we had gotten there right on time. We got through security and our flight was called the announcer read "Flight C38 is now boarding." Tyler and I got up and boarded our plane. Bart got us first class seats which I was thankful for because now we won't have any annoying children kicking our seats. As the flight attendant spoke I was shutting of my phone because we cant have our phones on during take off.When the flight attendants told us we are safe to use our phones I plugged my head phones in and turned on Shawn Mende's new song Life Of The Party an drifted off to sleep.

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