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4 years later
Andy's P.O.V
I just finished packing my bags for the warp tour. Juliet looked at me visibly upset , she even had tears in her eyes."are you sure she'll be safe"Juliet asked , another sob falling from her lips. she was absolutely heartbroken"Juliet , if I didn't think it was safe would I be taking her on tour with me?"I questioned sounding as calm as I could

I walked over to where Juliet stood in the door way and I hugged her tightly. In my head I knew that more than likely the people that wanna hurt Emily would follow our every move"Juliet,even thought she's probably in danger being with us , but if she stays here it'll be a lot easier to get to her here rather than in a big crowd . they can't let their secret about what they are out."Juliet nodded and hugged me tighter "I know that she's not our real daughter , but she's our only and all I want is a promise that she's going to be safe"I nodded and said "I will protect her with my life, you know that"I promised. Our hug tightened before I leaned down and kissed Juliet. I left go and grabbed my bags leaving the room, Juliet followed close behind me as I walked into Emily's room . She was zipping her suit case closed and grabbing her back pack slipping the straps up her shoulders landing her bag onto her back.Emily picked up her suit cases and turned to me , a smile graced her lips. She looked over at me and said "I'm ready dad".
We walked outside Emily and Juliet walked over to Juliet's car while I locked the door, I walked down the front side walk to get to her car. I slid into the passenger side shutting the door while Emily got comfortable in the back seat. Juliet started the car and put it in drive before pulling away from the curb and leaving our home. It wasn't a long drive to get to the meeting point to get to the bus.
When we pulled into the Parking lot everyone was saying goodbye to their partners and getting into the bus themselves. I got out Of the car as did Juliet and Emily. Juliet turned to Emily and held onto her in a big hug " oh my sweet angel" she wept , stroking Emily's long black hair. Juliet hugged Emily for a long while before she broke down into even more tears. Emily looked at her before cupping her moms face "it's okay mom it's only gonna be a few months"Juliet looked at her again before hugging her even tighter . I walked up And wrapped my arms around both my girls .
" We gotta go guy's" Jake yelled out the door at us. I released Juliet and Emily just as they released each other. Emily grabbed her suitcase as did i . I kissed Juliet before I let go i said " she will be safe I promise" Juliet only nodded. With one last look at Juliet we boarded the bus with the doors closing behind us.
Everyone welcomed us onto the bus . Emily was very excited and happy to see the guys. While Emily went to unpack we sat around talking " you didn't tell her did you?" Jinxc asked . " I can't the less she knows the better at this point" Jake shook his head at my response."she will learn the truth eventually about everything and she will be angered" I shook my head" I understand that, but for now she's still just a kid" . Ashley piped up" I understand why , at least she knows she's a vampire but she needs to be told at something point" . " Not while she's being hunted and not until we find out what happened to her birth mother and kill those who are after her!" I concluded only earning nods.
" Let's just enjoy this break " I finished. " Sounds good to me Cc agreed .

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