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Andy's P.O.V
A loud knock was heard at my tour bus's door. I looked over at the clock , it was nearly midnight .A few more loud bangs came at the door before Ashley got up and ran to open it only to find a small child in the arms of a woman who was struggling to the stand up straight.

"Take her , please take my child take Emmaline"I looked at her oddly and before I knew it Cc had the baby in his arms " please protect her from the... The monster that seeks to hurt her" I looked at her and smiled "protect her from what?" she only smiled at us "thank you"then she was gone , her body turned to ashes and blew away in the nights cold wind.
Me and the guys were vampires to but the only monsters I can think that would have no consideration for the fact the woman had a child was the rouge vampires.

"Jinxx's ,Jake come here"I yelled loudly towards the back of the bus . they both quickly running out " what is it Andy"Jake said while jinxx just stared at the child In Cc's arms. " Please tell me Cc didn't steal a child" jinxc jokes. I shook my head " nope"
"Cc could you please take the child back to the bunks and lay her in my Bunk"I said to cc, he only nodded slowly rocking her as he walked back to the bunks.
When cc came back he sat down and and looked up at me from his seat . "guys I have a good feeling that whoever or whatever her mother was running were rouges and they were trying to get something but failed "I said speaking about it to the boys.Ashely was the first to say anything about the matter " Andy you have a point, but if they were trying to get to something or better yet someone they're not going to give up without a fight" everyone nodded in agreement.

" and if they were trying to get something from that child's family they must've known that they might have to kill them to get to what they want, so they might still be after the child"jinxx pointed out and after he said that I heard a thud than a loud cry.
We all hurried back to the bunk area and saw that the baby had been trying to get out of my bed and she fell out and it must've scared her .Ashley picked her up and cradled her back to sleep.
"We have to protect her and instead of Emmaline well call her Emily " we all nodded and every one went about their way to get ready for bed and Ashley took Emily with him to his bunk so he could continue to rock her to sleep.
And we all fell asleep and from that day on she became our main focus. To protect our sweet Emily.

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