Normal mornings

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Tami heard the " beep beep beep " of the alarm she grunted and reached over and hit snooze she opened her eyes and turned to Eric's side he was lying with his eyes open smiling at her she Leant down and brushed her lips against his then she pulled away and he smiled " morning babe "

" morning work today can't wait " she said sarcastically

" aww I love how enthusiastic you are about work " he says smiling she laughed and then she turned and climbed out of bed and jumped into the shower got dressed and once she was ready Eric was just getting out of the shower

She walked down the hall to the kids bedroom and woke them up and helped Kai get ready for nursery and then she did Gracie hair

She walked out with them and they had breakfast and after they all got in the car they dropped the kids off first then drove to the school

It was a usual school morning little did they know how there day would end up

They walked their separate ways into the school

Vince,tinker,Tim,Julie,Luke,Tyra and Matt were all in the school today helping out because they had been invited them in to talk to students

A/N in this story Tim and Julie are a couple

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