Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


        "I'm heading out for school Jenny" I shouted while trying to get on my purple converses.

        "Okay sweetie, oh and also I won't be here tonight I’m heading out to go see an art exhibition”.

        Jenny has been my guardian from the day i was born but she didn't really bother to get to know me. After all she was only 35 so i can't blame her wanting to live her life. Every other night she'd go somewhere and I would be home all alone. 

        I quickly grabbed my keys and ran out the door making sure I don't trip. I was about to slip into my gray Toyota when all of a sudden I heard a bunch of guys screaming and laughing. I turned around to see the school's bad boy, Ash Blake. I lived right across him which was a pain in the ass since he always got into some sort of trouble. Every week there would be blasting music and police sirens luring the area. What got on my nerves the most though was the loud music coming from his house; he was known to throw parties. I realized I was staring right into his deep blue eyes went he looked at me. My breath hitched in my throat as we stared at each other. As I felt cheeks burn up I quickly turned and drove to school.

            Sometimes I really wished I was invisible because the school’s whore was heading my way with her “slaves”.

        "Omg guys look who it is it’s the mute bitch” she spat.

        I really hated Laura she always found a way to humiliate with me, when truly I just don’t want to be known at all. But being the stupid drama queen Laura is she thinks it’s her duty to make my life miserable since she loves her spotlight so much. I just quickly walked past her not caring about the glares people were giving me. The bell rang and I rushed to History class and sat at the back.  

        Many people want to make the better of their two last years at high school but, me, being in my junior year didn’t really care.

        “Ms.Dacquel are you with us?” Mr. Richard asked.I simply nodded not wanting to speak like most times. “Well Like I was saying everyone will be working on a presentation and a two paged essay on World War II, however since this is a three week project you won’t be working alo-“Mr. Richard was cut off just as Mr. Bad boy walked into class.

        “Mr. Blake its nice of you to join us please take a seat at the back I was just explaining this Term’s project” I scoffed at how nice Mr. Richard was being if it were any other student they would be given detention .

        But after all Ash’s parents are rich so they donate a lot of money to the school so most teachers treat him like he’s on cloud nine.

        “So like I was explaning you won’t be working on this project alone everyone will have a partner and I expect everyone to work hard because it’s worth about 30% of your term mark” Just as he finished everyone erupted in low whispers trying to decide partners. “Oh I forgot to mention for this assignment I have already chosen your partners” He said making everyone go aww and boo. As he began reading the list of students paired together people started to move to them. “And last but not least Amber and Ash, please begin” he announced grinning.

        Me Amber Dacquel working with Ash Blake seriously! Seriously couldn’t Mr. Richard pair him up or me with someone else! My jaw must have dropped because just as Ash approached me he said

        “Close that mouth you don’t catch flies now do you?” with a smirk plastered on his face. I wanted to roll my eyes at him but that would only give him a chance to talk more.

         “So you seem like a nerd you do the work and then I’ll write my name beside yours, sound’s good?”

        I wanted to swear him at tell him I wasn’t one of his slaves! I couldn’t I didn’t want to talk to him. I just nodded, while he smiled real big. Now I really wanted to punch his face.

        He leaned closer and whispered in my ear “I’ll repay you with one night, if you know what I mean” he winked. That made my blood boil and stained my cheeks with a blush. Thankfully before I could react the bell rang and I ran off to the library. 

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