- Chapter 3 -

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Once I made it to school it was easier to keep Ailis concealed, as long as he stayed quiet there wouldn't be much trouble, and we had already made it through the tough classes

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Once I made it to school it was easier to keep Ailis concealed, as long as he stayed quiet there wouldn't be much trouble, and we had already made it through the tough classes. Near silent snores had come from my bag the entire day. As I was leaving my math class I let my mind wander with the thoughts of keeping the little man in my backpack hidden throughout the rest of the day; I didn't notice the stranger in front of me.

My paced quickened as I thought about getting to my next class as quickly as possible to drop off my backpack. This only made colliding with the man even worse. I fell to the floor losing all grip on my bag. Damn, you were nearly there. I looked around the hallway as all the students in our general area had stopped, some witnessing my fall.

"Oh mugfuts!" The Irish voice shouted through the thin material of my backpack. He must have ripped the tape off earlier without me noticing. I rushed to find the strap of the bag. I needed to get out of here. Did anyone hear Ailis? Everybody was staring at me and I was just praying to the heavens above that Ailis would keep his trap shut.

"Oh I'm so sorry." A hand reached out to help me up, I gladly accepted it before trying to rush away from the situation. It didn't matter who the stranger was, on a college campus this big it was rare that I would see him again.

"It's okay, It was my fault. Thank you." I mumbled pulling my bag close to my chest. I could feel the tiny Leprechaun moving around inside. I squeezed a little harder before hearing a slight grunt. The boy just staring at me, his short blond hair slightly ruffled. He seemed to be teetering on his feet, also nervous. Why was he nervous though?

"No, hey can I help you to your class. I mean you kind of hit the floor pretty hard." My face flushed the brightest red my skin could muster. How embarrassing.

"I'll be fine." I said pushing passed him. I quickly weaved through the corridors filled with other college students trying to get to whatever class they had signed up for. I had automotive next. I was slightly nervous to walk into the room once I found it. I hated first day situations because you never knew who was going to be in your class and I was unsure of how my teachers were going to treat me. Were they going to be strict or lenient? I was hoping at least one other girl was going to be there but odds are I would be the only one. My nerves were definitely present.

I entered the room taking a seat in the small classroom area, setting the backpack softly on the ground. There were a few muffled noises as the zipper begin to undo itself. I kicked the bag softly.

"Ailis I just need a few more hours." I whispered hoping no one else in the classroom would hear me. The zipper continued to open slightly and I wanted to scream. He was supposed to be smarter than this. Especially because he was the magical creature. Don't they teach those guys how to not get caught? Once the zipper was open far enough his tiny hand reach out, i've never wanted to die so bad in my life. What the hell was he doing?

I lifted my bag quickly trying to hide his tiny appendage from anyone who might be able to see it. He stuck his tiny head out looking around the room. "How much longer ye gon be?" He whispered in his best quiet voice.

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