56:Golden Dreams

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"I am sorry dear but you're not our daughter.", Mrs Lee Wangmin said.

"But it's me!?", you told.

"She looked a lot like you.", Mrs Lee Wangmin replied.

"Looked?", you enquired.

"She died.", Mr Lee Wangmin told.

"But it's me! look! Maybe I am your daughter.", you showed them the picture.

"That's my princess. She died. We buried her ourselves.", Mr Lee Wangmin told. Sorrownes filled in his voice. Sadness poured from his face.

"Dear, I am really sorry but you're not our daughter. Our daughter just looked like you.", Mrs Lee Wangmin spoke.

* * * * * *

"When I first saw you, (y/n) I was shocked. I felt like my princess came back to me. She was taken from us way too soon but whenever I looked at you, I felt like she was right next to me.", Mr Lee Wangmin said.

You listened quietly. Unable to find words. You thought so wrongly of Mr Lee Wangmin. A person who saw you as his daughter, you thought of him as a pervert.

"I really wanted to see you. He always talked about how you were like our daughter. She was just like you even the personality.", Mrs Lee Wangmin spoke.

"I am so sorry.", you apologized.

"Oh you don't need to be sorry! I am really glad I got to meet you.", Mrs Lee Wangmin said.

You remembered all the time you rejected Mr Lee Wangmin's offers to the dinner.

Guilt started to swallow you.

"Are you okay?", Mr Lee Wangmin asked.

"Yes. It's just that for a second I thought maybe I was your daughter.", you told.

You ate in silence after that. Your heart felt like it was stabbed. Mr Lee Wangmin had a daughter that looked like you and died, it was a lot to take in for you. Specially the fact that you thought he raped you but he didn't.

You finished eating. You helped Mrs Lee Wangmin with the dishes.

"It's time for me to go.", you said as you checked the time and miss calls from jungkook.

"I wish you stayed but I know you can't. Do pay a visit soon dear.", Mrs Lee Wangmin said and hugged you.

Her hug was so warm. It felt like she poured all her affection into you.

"I'll see you around (y/n).", Mr Lee Wangmin said and smiled.

You hugged him. You didn't felt weird at all. Your mindset about him had changed. He was all fatherly to you now.

You pulled back. He smiled at you with loving eyes.

"Thank you.", he said in a low voice.

"Goodbye.", you said and left.

You went outside. Jungkook came running.

"He didn't try anything did he?", jungkook asked.

You started crying. You covered your face with both of your hands. Jungkook hugged you.

"Heyyy.. what happened?", jungkook asked, getting worried.

"His daughter...", you sobbed.

"Heyyy relax..", jungkook tightened his grip onto you.

Jungkook helped you to the car. You sat.

You wiped your tears.

"He had a daughter and she died. She looked a lot like me.", you told.

"He thought of me as his daughter and I... I judged him! I am so bad.... I...", you started to cry again.

"Hey! It's not your fault! You didn't know!", jungkook comforted.

You didn't know why but you felt really down. It was as if someone had drawn out all the energy from you. You felt tired and empty. You felt guilty and it was eating you all at once, slowly consuming you.

You wanted to share your feeling with someone but at the same time you didn't. You didn't even know what you wanted yourself.

You got hold on yourself and stopped crying.

Jungkook looked really worried.

"I am sorry. It's just my parents are not around and everything.", you apologized.

"I know. I know.", jungkook hugged you.

"I am sorry for being like this. I am sorry that you have to deal with me. I am such a drama. I always over react and stuff.", you started self-blaming like always.

"Weren't you perfection?", jungkook teased.

"I am!", you instantly replied. You heart felt lightened a little.

"Then why so many insecurities?", jungkook questioned. He was trying to divert your attention.

"It's just really hard to cope up with myself. I wish I wasn't me.", you sighed.

"If you weren't you, you wouldn't have met me.", jungkook said.

"I know. I am sorry.", you apologized again.

"You're staying at our place.", jungkook said.

"But I haven't told minjun.", you said.

"I'll talk to him myself.", jungkook replied as he started the car's engine.

Jungkook drove while you looked out of the window, trying not to think. There were fewer cars on the road since it was dark.

"There's no way I am leaving you alone with your depression.", jungkook spoke.

"I am not depressed!", you opposed.

"Yeah! You're not depressed you're pervert!", jungkook smiled.

"Why are you bring this! Ugh after so long!", you kind of cheered up.

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