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Hopps had finally gotten out of the hospital, so her month suspension has begun. Wilde was on parking duty somewhere, and the training was going well. The S.W.A.T. had passed all my tests so they no longer needed my training. The officers were getting there, but they have a while to go.
Judy was suspended, so she hasn't been allowed to training. Bogo wouldn't let Nick train without Judy. So, they both might need a few private days with me to catch up.
I was just driving to a coffee shop after training, needing an espresso desperately. Sleep seems to be a thing of the past now. It's not that I don't have time, I just have trouble with the falling asleep part.
Once I get my coffee, I head out back to my car. I open my door and notice a paper on my windshield. A ticket?
I notice I didn't pay the meter and curse under my breath. Looking around, I see a red fox getting into a little meter maid car on three wheels.
"Wilde!" I shout out. He turns around and gives me a dirty look. He comes over to me.
"I'm not revoking the ticket." He says flat out. I shake my head at him.
"Actually, I was wondering how Hopps was doing."
Nick looks at me for a second and shifts his weight.
"Why?" He asks skeptically. I shrug. He sighs and looks away from me.
"She's feeling better. The suspension is hitting her hard though, she hates being cooped up in her apartment."
I nod and sip my coffee. He's about to turn around when an alarm begins to blare down the street. He looks up and a black SUV speeds past us away from a broken shop window.
I hurry into my car. Wilde turns towards his little wagon but I yell at him, "Wilde! In the car, now!" He obeys and gets in shotgun. I speed after the SUV.
"Shouldn't we call it in? Let the other cops get it? I might get in trouble for abandoning my-"
"Shut up Wilde, go in the glove compartment. Get the siren and put it on the car through the window." He does as told and pulls out a battery powered siren, attaching it to the top of the car through the open window. He switched it on and my siren begins to sound. The SUV swerved a bit and sped down an alley, destroying a trash bin in the process. The SUV hit the breaks. I hit mine but couldn't stop before ramming into the SUV.
The airbags deploy and hit me in the chest, hard. Once they deflate, I notice a white wolf get out of the car and come towards my window. My sight is blurry and my head spins as I fittle with my gun holster.
A moment later, my door is being pulled open and I'm being drug out of my car. My gun falls to the floor with a clatter. I hear Nick groan and his door open.
The cock of a gun reaches my ears and I close my eyes and beg the world to stand still. I open them but nothing changes.
From the distance I hear shouts. I hear the sound of what I can only assume to be a head hitting my glass window. The wolf standing over me seems to panic and open fire at the car, shattering the rest of the windows.
I turn to my side and see Nick under the car. The wolf goes towards the side, peaking over the vehicle to look at what I assume would be his unconscious partner.
Nick grabs the wolf's foot and pulls, the wolf falls to the floor with a shout. Nick then crawls out of under the car looking wobbly before punching the wolf several times in the head to the point of unconsciousness.
Then he rolls over onto his back. I hear sirens in the distance, someone must have called 911.
"You alright rabbit?" I hear him shout at the sky.
I don't respond. We're soon surpunded by mammals and I was pulled into a stretcher. By entire body felt like I was shooken like a ragdoll. Before I know it, I'm in the back of an ambulance with a bandage around my chest.
Nick was next to me, but he looked in better shape. Maybe a bruise or two but that's all.
I look at him closely. His breaths were short, his eyes seemed unfocused. He looked like a mess, but he didn't seem to care.
"Thanks Nick." I said in a quiet voice.
A few long seconds pass before he responds, "I didn't do it for you. Carrots would have killed me if I died. Saving you was just a bonus."
He said it in a rude tone, but then he looked at me. He had a smerk on his face.
"Why is it that I keep getting shot at when I'm with you?" He asks.
I just smile. "Wilde, you survived. That's the important part. She'd probably kill me too if you'd died." He breaks out of his smirk and into a genuine smile. I smile back but we're interrupted by my entire world fading to black.

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