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   Hopps and Wilde were in the front seat of an undercover car provided by the department. I sit in the back seat holding a notepad. I'm just along for the ride, let's see what they can do.

   It took less than an hour to get to the Rainforest District. Hopps parks and starts talking with her partner, pretending I'm not here as instructed.
   "So, do you have any contacts out here? You do know everyone, don't you?"
   "I might. Remember Duke Wesleton? Infamous onion dealer?"
   "Nick, those were night howl-"
   "Yea that guy. Well his cousin lives out here, he sold to Finnick about a year ago. He'd be a good start."
   "Wait Finnick smokes? I didn't know about this, you knew about this?"
   "Well, yea?"
   "Nick your a cop!"
   "Relax he quit, he doesn't smoke anymore... not that I know of anyway."
  Her eyes roll and she glances back at me, knowing she should be staying on task.
  "Besides," Nick continued dramatically, "Pot is about to be legal in a few months, we just wanna catch the dealers that sell other drugs alongside it."
   Judy scoffs and puts the car in drive. "We'll continue this later. Where am I going?"
   Nick gave her a few directions and we were on the road again. I put a few notes into my little pad.

   Nick Wilde
   Has contacts related to narcotic activity, reliability to be determined.
   Judy Hopps
  Seems to be the one in charge, calls the shots. Gets distracted by conversation, but stays on task.

   So far, other than casual conversation, they seem to be perfectly normal cops, or narcs in this case. Which brings up questions.
    I clear my throat, getting their attention. "Few questions, is this your first narc operation? Excluding the initial night howler incident." I ask Judy, hoping Nick doesn't answer. Thankfully he doesn't.
   "No, we actually do these cases often. Nicks resources are very helpful, so Chief sends us." I make note of it.
   They both seem to be able to be counted on for these assignments, otherwise Bogo wouldn't put them on it.
   The car stops at the base of a very large tree. In it seems to be a burrow house with a blue door. Nick gets out and knocks on it.
   The door opens to reveal a weasel. Him and Nick talk out of earshot for a bit before he goes inside. A minute later he comes back.
   "He said that we can find one of his dealers up in the canopy, over by that guy Mr. Manches's place."
   "Ok, we can get there faster if we take the tram." And she drives off.
   A few minutes of silence and were at the tram car. The three of us share one up. I've never been in a rainforest before, but from up here, it's beautiful. The sound of birds flood my ears, mist floods the air. Huge, brilliantly green trees as far as I can see, a mile high canopy. It's amazing, but these two don't seem to amazed. I've read their reports, so I can imagine why. Personally, I haven't been chased by a savage jaguar.
   We walk until Nick stops me. "Look, Judy and I will go alone. You'll blow our cover." Of course I understood, this is their mission, not mine. I should stay out of their way.
   I nod and they go on ahead. When they knock on the suspected dealers door, I hide myself behind a trash bin. Then i sit here and wait for their return. I can just ask how they manage to get their information.
   About fourty minutes later, I hear a gunshot. I get up from my hiding place and point my own gun in the direction of their door, using the bin as cover. From it bursts out Wilde and Hopps, running from what looks like a very angry black bear.
   "Damn it Fluff, why did you blow our cover!"
   "I didn't expect him to have a gun!"
   They run past me and the bear fires what looks like a shotgun in our direction.
   "God damn it you guys! What the hell!"
   I follow their pursuit and the bear starts shouting something in Spanish. A few seconds later and more mammals are shouting in Spanish, a few of them running out of their houses searching for the problem, us.
   A wolf barges through a house in front of us carrying a pretty frightening sawed off shotgun. We stop dead in our tracks.
   The wolf looks at us. "Fucking narcs.." he growls as he cocks his gun. "Shit." I say as I look behind us and see more angry mammals. The wolf points his gun at us and Judy grabs me and Nick by the paws and jump off the canopy just as he opens fire.
   "Not again!" Nick shouts as we fall through vines and giant leaves. The rough vines scratched at my face as we fall, eventually landing in thick patch of foliage, breaking our fall slightly. My breath was still knocked out of my lungs with the force of an engine backfire.
   "Carrots... I hate you so much... we had this same problem with Mr. Big, didn't we? But no, tell the big bear your a cop, how effective!" Nick gets to his feet and stretches. I sit up and shake my head.
   "Carrots?" Nick says out loud, looking around for the bunny. I stand up and brush off while he starts to panic.
   "Carrots? Judy!?" He calls out loud. A cough alerts him and he takes off after the source. I follow and find him crouched with Judy in his arms. "Damn it Fluff, you always gotta be a hero." He half growls.
   Judy seems to have taken a shot. Her abdomen was covered in crimson.
   "Fuck. Okay. Savage!" He called my name. I sit at his side. "We need to stop the bleeding and call an ambulance." I tell him.
   "Take her com, call in." He orders me. I'm about to remind him I'm his superior but then I see the devastation in his eyes. He takes off his tie and wrap her wound. I take her com. "This is Agent Jackson Savage, ZIA. I need you to track this com's location. Officer Hopps is down, I repeat, Officer down."
   A worried voice on the com says. "Backup will be on it's way shortly." And then it goes quiet.
   A few minutes pass before we hear voices. A white cheetah and a wolf with a stretcher are being escorted by two lions with their guns out. Judy is put on the stretcher and the three of us are led out of the Jungle.


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