CH 30 Awkward Ends

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Azrael cleared his throat, "May I take your order then?"

I smiled awkwardly, not sure how to answer. The dinner was awful to begin with. I'm about to answer when Cornelius, who was fuming for these past weeks, finally snapped and growled out, "No, shit bag. We're not ordering anything from you."

Rhea blinked, mumbling, "Someone's on their period..."

I struggled to hold in a laugh, choking on my own saliva. I was wondering how this 12 year old I had met just today, was full of sass. "Rhea, behave yourself." I lightly scowled, secretly pleased that she said such a thing out loud.

I mean, someone had to say it, right?

"Behave myself? He's the one ruining dinner. I'm hungry too!" She said, talking back as she crossed her arms, cheeks puffed in frustration.

Cornelius nostrils flared, head shaking as his face was red in embarrassment and anger. Slamming his hands loudly on the table he shouts, "Coco, shut the kid up or I will."

My mouth gapes. Before I could answer, a certain someone interrupts me. "Sir, that'd be enough. You're causing a commotion for a such a small matter." Azrael speaks, frowning but trying his best to be polite to his customer.

"I want a new waiter. Bring me your manager." Cornelius grits out, his teeth clenched.

Running my temples, I'm already up on my feet before I know it. "Cornelius, we're in a restaurant. A public one. Just because I'm friends with Azrael, doesn't mean you can get all angry. You're being way too controlling, and quite frankly, I don't like the you right now."

Cornelius opens his mouth in protest, but I only shushed him, raising a finger in the air with disapproval.

"This is not what I signed up for when I became your girlfriend." I finished, getting the load off my chest.

He suddenly then stands up as well, raging as he got out of his seat, "Fine then, if that's how you wish to be, Coco. If you say I changed, you don't think you have as well?"

Now that, had me off guard.

Did I just defend Azrael? Against my own boyfriend?

"Cornelius, wait-"

He shook his head in disappointment, "I see where I stand. I'll see you around, Coco." He says, leaving the restaurant and me baffled.

Groaning, I sat down exhausted, my eyes starting to water.

It all made sense... that ever since Azrael came around, I would suddenly be acting out of character. I had developed this sort of mask that I showed to my family, friends, and strangers. Even when I'm alone.

Yet, when it came to Azrael, I felt like I could truly be myself.

I hated myself.

Pondering in thought, I failed to realize that Azrael was still beside me, holding his notepad as he waited for me and Rhea to take our orders.

Forcing a smile, I turn to Rhea, refusing to have the night end like this. I was a babysitter and Rhea needed to be fed. Me time will be later, when I'm in my room.

"Rhea, what would you like to eat?" I softly asked, my eyes a bit red.

She looked up from her book, placing it down. Her eyes peering at me in concern, "Chicken nuggets."

I nod, watching Azrael watch me closely. His scent was driving my wolf wild, her panting increasing as she drooled over his fine structure. It was getting more difficult to fight against our bond everyday.

Breathing deeply, I sighed, "I would like some Louisiana Pasta, please."

He nods, writing our orders down. "Drinks?"

"Water." We both said in sync.

Azrael smiles in a caring manner, despite what has happened between us, he still manages to be kind to me. I never understood why he would continue to pursue me, I'm not worth it.

"Alright, your orders will be out shortly." He says, glancing at me with worrisome eyes before walking away to take another tables order.

Before he left, I felt him rub my back softly, almost as if he was saying, I'm here for you.

Just that gesture alone was enough to make me want to cry again. My hands clenched into fists and for the first time and in long while, my heart skipped a beat, for him.

I just wished that he didn't do what he did, back then in the past. Maybe things would have been different now.

I thought, the evening ending as another began.

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