CH 27: Problem?

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"So... what do you like to do, Rhea?" I asked, sitting across from her after I unpacked. I was going to be staying in this house for quite awhile and I won't be seeing her parents anytime soon.

She continued reading, her eyes glued to the pages.

Rhea didn't even lift up her gaze but said, "I like to read."

I pressed the subject on, hoping I could get on her good side. "What else?" This time, she shrugged and didn't bother to answer. A vein popped on the side of my head from her attitude. Damn kids, this one is something I wished I never baby-sat.

Clearing my throat, I asked again, "How old are you?"

"12. Can you stop asking me questions, please? I'm trying to read my book and you're disrupting it. I enjoy peace and quiet." She remarked, frowning.

What the fuck.

Not being able to have anymore patience, I stormed out of her room with a hell of, "Fine, have it your way, kid. No one wants to take care of a brat like you anyways!"

Slamming the door, I march to my bedroom and grabbed my iPod. Placing my earbuds in my ears, I drowned reality out and fell into the darkness of my dreams. Sometimes, you had to be away from the chaotic and cruel world of ours.


It was a few hours that I've been preoccupied in my new room when I decided to was time to see Rhea again. I've had my time to calm down, hopefully she did as well.

As I wondered down the hall, I stopped in front of her room to hear nothing. Knocking a few times, she answers with, "Come in."

I step into her room, cautious. Her expression was still bleak and her room was clean and tidy as ever. It was as nothing happened and she continued to read. Has she seriously not thrown a tantrum since I've felt? Usually kids would throw huge fits by now!

Frowning, I stood in front of her and asked in a stern tone, "Why aren't you pouting?"

Rhea still didn't look up from her book when she muttered, flipping the page. "It's useless to whine if things don't go your way. Unlike you, I'm a bit more mature to do reactions such as that."

Ouch, talk about a blow.

Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, I let out a breath and asked gently, "Do you want a snack? Some food perhaps?"

Finally, Rhea looked up and met my eyes when the talk of food was involved. I wouldn't blame her either, food is delicious and my life.

"Yes, please. Anything in the fridge will do just fine."

I nodded, turning on my heel to fetch whatever was in the fridge. As I walked downstairs and back up, I admired her mansion a bit more. Damn, she lives like a queen. I wonder if her parents wouldn't mind if I stayed her longer?

Besides, I needed to avoid my mother and Azrael.

This would be the best opportunity of my life.

As my foot touched the last step of the stairs, I was nearing the kitchen when something hairy with eight legs caught my attention. My throat tightened up, as my heart raced. My palms sweated, legs wanting to run as I recognized my nightmare.

It was a spider.

Oh hell no.

A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. I've been so busy that I've forgotten to update Soldier. I'm sorry everyone!

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