Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The shrill noise of the bedside alarm sent Beverly shooting out from under the covers and unfortunately-landing on the floor with a thud. She hissed and rubbed her stinging backside. She reached up to throw the offending alarm across the room but paused in shock when she glimpsed the time. All pain forgotten, she was up in a second, panic etched on her face.

“Crap! How could I have slept through the alarm?” she muttered. “I’m so dead”.

She purposely set the stupid alarm to wake her an hour earlier, but seeing as that’d failed, she’d just have to hurry up. Stripping as she walked to the bathroom of her cozy little apartment, her mind geared on overdrive.

No time to take a bath, she mused. She’d just have to make do with a shower. The water was cold, so that by the time she was done, Beverly felt positive that her blood was frozen. But she endured it, in fact she had to endure it, today meant a whole lot to her. She hurried out of the shower just as the clock struck seven. She toweled hurriedly, at the same time, putting on her underwear. As she went into her small walk in closet, Fred, her small white cat strolled in, tail high, yawning. As she grabbed her outfit of the hanger, she reached down to pat him. He followed her out of the closet again, meowing for attention.

“Coming, Freddie, I’ll fill your bowl. Just give me a sec”. She carefully removed the black tailored knee length skirt and shirt. She kept the outfit for special purposes, such as now. Shrugging into it, she studied her self in the mirror.

“Now, all I need is a little face work” she murmured, noticing the alarm clock which now read 7:13am.

Freddie had already settled himself contentedly on her bed and proceeded to watch her with little interest. Beverly fished out a tube of lip gloss and dabbed it on. Then she removed a blow dryer from her drawer and proceeded to turn it on. It revved up, puffed out a few breaths of air and died. No thinking anything of it, Beverly started it again, this time it just gave a few grunts and a dying whoosh of air before stopping. She stared horrified. Then she looked at her hair in the mirror. Her bright red hair was still wet and sticky, although it was not dripping again.

“No no no… this cant be happening. Not today” she muttered frantically. She slapped the blow dryer with the palm of her hand, hoping to get it started up. Nothing.

“Oh man” she put the object down in annoyance and searched for a rubber band. If she left her hair to dry naturally, it would curl up and turn her into a red haired goldilocks, but there was no other option.

“Stupid dryer” she muttered, gathering the mass of hair and bonding it.


Beverly pulled up in front of the mansion and wondered for the umpteenth time what she was doing here. The breeze from the ride had dried her hair turning it into static electricity. She was too excited to be bothered. As she killed the engine, she finally realized that this wasn’t a dream again.

 The security guards at the giant gates had been expecting her. It was slowly sinking in. When Beverly had ended the call on Friday evening, after speaking to Amanda McKade, her whole staff- she included had practically danced round the room. Never in a million years would she, or even anybody for that matter, dream that Kendrick&co would be chosen to plan the wedding for the only daughter of the McKade family. Now, sitting in her car, about to go out and face the bride for a meeting, it was all too real. Beverly was determined not to blow it. Planning this wedding and planning in perfectly was just the kind of exposure that k&c needed to fully establish herself in the market for wedding planning. She took one last look in the car mirror and got out of her small sedan.

Inhaling deeply, Beverly waked up the marble stairs that led to the front door and rang the door bell, not knowing what to expect. A moment later, she heard footsteps nearing the door and then the door was pulled open by a tall blond woman whom Beverly recognized as Amanda McKade. She looked to be in her mid twenties and was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. Beverly was a little bit surprised and it showed on her face.

“Hi” her voice was jovial and friendly. She thrust out her hand.

Beverly clasped it, smiling. “Hi, I’m Beverly Kendrick”

“I know. Come in”.

She led the way into a large foyer, tastefully decorated. It led to a large sitting room which was just as elegant. There were painting on the wall, and art sculptures scattered about strategically. The room itself was elegant and interesting at the same time without being too cluttered.

  Beverly liked it at once. “Great place you have here” she commented.

Amanda waved her a seat and sat beside her.

“Thanks, although it’s not mine. It’s Alex’s. My house is under some major construction” she informed, stretching out her long legs.

“I’ve been waiting for you, I really really need you. I cant even keep track of all the details. Thank god you’re here.”

She sighed.

“Good then. We just need to go over some important details and then, you and Mr. Husband will be shipped off to a spa for a body massage. How does that sound?” she asked getting into the mood of things.

“Heavenly! I just knew you’d be perfect!”



So I just got this idea and am still working on it. You guys just give it a chance and let me know what you think. Thank you. 

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