Being a teenager

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The adolescence is the part of the life where we share our own personalities and have our first loves. For some people it´s like a dream come true and for others it´s like being in a roller coaster ride.

Being in love with someone is not something common or something that happens to you every day. When you have your first kiss with someone you love, everything seems like being out of the world. All you can see and feel are you and that boy or girl that takes your breath away. It´s like your whole world is him or her.

I´ve always said that the life of a teenager is like living in a dream where a lot of things happen, but not everything is right for a teenager.

Sometimes things go from bad to worse, you don’t know what to do to solve problems and you see your whole world is coming down. But when you open your eyes, wake up and see the world again, a lot of things happen, a lot of people change and hurt you, and you realize that everything isn’t the same as always. 

All of a sudden, the world seems to be against you and you are lost in the darkness. That´s when you think you have lost this race. Despite this, there are a lot of little things and people that you can’t see in the dark but are with you the whole time and support you whenever you need something.

 These little things and people are called: “The reasons of the life”. They are the only reason you have to live when you are brought down.

All in all, i think life is too short to worry about problems, so you should keep calm and be happy with people you love. You worth your life.

To end up this, i will repeat a quote that Chris Gardner (if you dont know him, just look him up on the Internet) told his son Christopher:

"Chris Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. Not even me. All right?

Christopher: All right

Chris Gardner: You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period."

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