🎶Chapter 4🎶

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Kaminari P.O.V
I didn't know how long I was out for, but when I woke up, the first thing I saw was the ceiling above me. My head felt heavy, and even thinking hurt. I turned my head to my right and down at my arm, that was wrapped up in bandages, and a iv drip attached.

I then noticed that I wasn't in the small office room I was in earlier with the nurse, but actually in a hospital room. 'When was it moved?' I thought to myself as I tried to sit up, but failed, for it felt like the world was spinning.

I leaned my head back on the pillow on my head, and tried to remember what happened before I came here. Trying to think back to previous events was a blur and made my head hurt to much. I was considering going back to sleep, since I was still tired, but I didn't get that chance when the door to my room opened.

I looked to my left to see a different doctor come into my room with a clipboard in his hands. The man looked normal really. Brown hair and green eye's. The only thing striking about him was two curved horns that came out of his head, kind of like Mina's but bigger.

He closed the door quietly, and when he turned to face me, he smiled.
"Oh I see your awake" he spoke. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me as he made his way over.

"Dizzy, and my arm hurts a lot" I replied as I held up my arm with much difficulty. "Well it will for a while. Your arm was pretty bad when you arrived. Whatever caused it nearly teared right through your arm, but it was stopped when it hit the done" the doctor told me as he checked my arm.

"What is your name by the way? You never told anyone when you and your friend came in" the doctor asked me. "I'm Denki Kaminari, I'm a student at UA" I told him, and he looked somewhat impressed.

"UA you say? That's a pretty good school. You in the hero course?" He asked me as he inspected the iv bag. I nodded. "Well Kaminari, would you mind telling me what happened to you and your friend, even though I may have a good idea what happened" the doctor asked me.

Wait, what does he mean by friend?

It took me a moment for me to realise who he was talking about.

"Jiro!"I nearly screamed as I sat up quickly. "Is she okay? Is she alive!? Can I see her!?" I asked the doctor desperately, wanting to know if she was okay. The doctor gave a saddened expression.

"She's alright, and she's still alive, but something did happen that we can't repair" the doctor spoke sadly, making me worried. "What do you mean?" I asked with worry, scared what I would hear.

"Well," he began.

"Judging from the slits on her throat and wrist, we already know you and the girl was attacked by the murderer that's been going around, killing people the same way. She lost alot of blood when you both got here, but we were able to sew up her wrist, but had to bring her into surgery for her throat" he explained.

"In the surgery, it was discovered that the girls voice box, or also called the larynx, was cut right through and is to badly damaged to be repaired" the doctor told me. "And what does that mean?" I asked, worry in my tone.

He took a moment to speak. "With her larynx damaged, it renders her unable to speak from now on" he told me.
I froze.
I took in his words.

Jiro wouldn't be able to speak?
Jiro will never be able to talk again, or sing along to her favourite songs. When she finds this out, she'll be devastated. How could she not?

And I'm the reason for it.

If it wasn't for me for inviting her along to get something to drink, she could be home right now, doing something like doing work, playing guitar and singing.
If it wasn't for me, Jiro wouldn't have gone home so late and been attacked.

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