Chapter 5 ~ Pool + Bailey + Chelsea

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I walked to the couch in the living room. I took a pill the doctor gave me for my leg.

"Are you ready, yet?" I asked Jason.

"I was waiting for you." He joked. James had college starting this week. He is 18 and Jason and I are 17.

I yawned. I was a bit tired.

"I'll drive." Jason offered. He got in the driver's seat and I got in the passenger's.


At 10:00 AM Sunday

"Just relax and lean back like you are on a recliner. We'll have anesthetics for you. And we will make sure you are asleep before the surgery." Dr. Ikes said moving stuff around on a table. I'm glad she knows what she's doing.

I lay back on the bed. I'm gonna be sore after this.

Then she gave me something to put me to sleep for the surgery. Then I know she have me an anesthetic.

Jason's POV

I was so nervous and I'm sure Bay was too.

Stupid motherfucking Chelsea. She ruins lives for people.

The doctor set things on a table and started to feel around her leg. As soon as I saw her grab a tool I had to look away.

I glanced over every so often to look at Bailey.

I heard a quiet knock on the door and I walked over and opened it a crack. I didn't want to interrupt the doctor.

"Who is it?" I asked as I glanced back at Bailey.

"Just Niall." Ooh. My friend Niall. "Am I allowed to come in?" He asked.

"Uh, let me ask.." I said.

"Excuse me, but may I ask if anybody is allowed to come in at this point?" I asked Dr. Ikes politely.

"Let's not have too many people. At the most only two more." She said.

"Niall you're okay to come in." I told him. He walked in and sat down on a chair in the corner. He knows Bailey a little bit so he must've heard from James or somebody.

I glanced at Bailey again. I was worried. I love my sister to death. James felt so bad for not being here. I understand why, though.

"What's wrong with Bailey?" He whispered to me.

"Oh, well, she has her-her dislocated leg." I said looking at the floor.

"Oh." He said.

Dr. Ikes had started arranging things on a little table.

"She should wake up in about 20 minutes. Here are some pain pills and pills for her leg. She needs to take these at least once a day and pain killers she can take when she has pain in her leg. She can only take two pain killers a day. Care for you sister. She will be sore for a little while, though. If she needs anything get it for her." Dr. Ikes ordered handing me two bottles of pills and pointing to a particular bottle.

After some time of talking about what's been going on Bailey finally woke up.

"J-Jason?" She stuttered.

"I'm here. I'm here Bailey." I said. She has to be either in pain or sore.

"Can I go home yet?" She asked hopefully.

Dr. Ikes answered,"You can go home. But take it easy, Ms. Shaws. Be careful. You should be fine. You will be very sore for at least a couple days. I gave your brother some information about some medicine for you."

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